Alastair Campbell nulung Najib baka ni chara menang maya bepilih besai tu ila!

Sarawak Report diatu ulih ngayanka repot bekaul enggau jaku-jaku Tanya di menua Britain pasal Tony Blair enggau bala penyanding penemu iya ti bekaul enggau pemerintah menua bukai ti ngena atur perintah sechara pejal Kami bisi tetemuka penatai berita ti madahka penyanding penemu ti bekereja ke Menteri Besai Britai ti dulu suba, Alastair Campbell, baka ni […]

Sean Murray’s Kuching Construction Connection – Expose

We can reveal that the husband of Taib’s eldest daughter, the Canadian, Hisham (Sean) Murray, has grabbed control of one of Kuching’s most lucrative property developments on the so-called Kuching Isthmus, a venture sponsored by the State Government. [..]

Holland mantah sijil kayu kampong Malaysia!

Bala pangan dagang kunsi Taib di menua tasik ditemu bebendar amat nyaga pemanah nama Sarawak bekaul enggau pengawa ngulihka kayu kampong tauka program-program nanam kayu kampong. Ba minggu nyin kemari Kepala Eksekutif kompeni Ta Ann Tasmania, David Ridley, bisi didinga bebula sebengkah repot ti ngayanka kayu sayat ti dikeluarka Ta Ann nya ukai kayu bansa

Holland Condemns Malaysia’s Timber Certification!

Taib’s foreign business partners are working hard to present a picture that all is well in Sarawak and to imply that there are no issues with the wood logged from the state or its plantation programmes. However, their statements have been undermined by a ruling in Holland this week[..]


Diatu Sarawak Report udah ulih ngayanka kaul belalai entara pengawa industri kayu kampung ari Tasmania enggau petunggal Kepala Menteri Sarawak, iya nya Hamed Sepawi. Kaul nya ukai semina ngeruga pemanah rampa kampung di Tasmania tang mega benung ngeruga sereta mai pengerusak ngagai rampa menua di Borneo ti endur mayuh tekat hidro-elektrik deka terus digaga. Kami

“Eco-Terrorists”? – Exclusive Revelations

Sarawak Report can disclose that the connections between Tasmania’s primary industries and the Chief Minister’s cousin, Hamed Sepawi, are far more extensive than previously publicised.
These worrying links not only threaten the integrity of old-growth forests back in Tasmania [..]

The Penan – Still Struggling to Save Our Jungle [FILM TRIBUTE]

The Penan are the iconic people of the Sarawak jungle. Most communities had settled into villages and rural life of one form or another over the last hundred years, but the Penan steadfastly stuck to their nomadic ways. With just a few possessions, easily carried on their backs, they have had nothing to lose but the jungle they live from[..]


‘Kempen Perang Cyber’ Taib Mahmud ti beungkus $5 juta setaun udah ngetu diatu, padam pia aja enggau naka ka pemalu, lebuh laman web ‘Sarawak Reports’ bekubur. Sarawak Reports nya sebengkah ari jarin laman web ti bepenemu kasar, ditumbuhka di UK ti digaga kompeni FBC Media, sengaja disewa dikena nyerang blog (Sarawak Report) tu, lalu pia

Bye Bye Sarawak Reports!

Taib Mahmud’s $5million dollar a year ‘Cyber-war Campaign’ has conceded a humiliating defeat, with the final demise of the site ‘Sarawak Reports'[…]


Bantah ngagai pengawa deka ngaga tekat hidro elektrik Baram ngena chara undang-undang bisi ngayanka pemujur. Laban pengawa ti deka ngaga tekat nya deka ngeruga enggau ngerusak rampa menua di endur nya. Enti Taib mengkang majak enggau perambu iya, tu tentu deka nanggul pengawa bepilihbesai parlimen ti deka datai. Orang tuai nya arapka diri ulih nyeliahka


Ba minggu nyin kemari Ta Ann udah nuduh The Green Party di Tasmania ketegal ngayanka iklan ti bula pasal pengawa ngulihka kayu kampung di menua Sarawak. Tang diatu iklan-iklan barang ari “eco-wood” enggi Ta Ann di Tasmania bisi udah disakal kompeni nya empu. Ba sebengkah repot, ti dikeluarka palan Huon Valley Environment di Tasmania, Ta

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