How The Secret ‘Jay Low’ – The Gatsby Of 21st Century – Seduced Hollywood In Las Vegas!

“Security was matched only by what you would imagine from the Secret Service. Guests and celebrities understood photos were totally off-limits ….complementary cocktails included entire bottles of Crystal, slid across a 24-foot bar carved from solid ice. With drinks in hand, party-goers enjoyed a massive indoor Ferris wheel.

Straight out of The Wizard Of Oz, more than 20 umpa loompas frolicked throughout the party while scantily clad Circue Du Solei-style aerial acrobats performed overhead.

At one point, DiCarprio was rapping on stage with Q-Tip and Busta Rhymes.

When it came time to sing happy birthday, one Miss Britney Spears stepped up to the do the honors, after which, a friend reportedly presented the birthday boy with a rather unique 4-wheeled gift; a Bugatti Veyron, a 1000 horsepower, $2.5M supercar.”

Britney Spears sang the Happy Birthday for Jho Low's 30th bash of the century....
Britney Spears sang the Happy Birthday for Jho Low’s 30th bash of the century….

More information has crept out about Jho Low’s astonishing expenditures of his ill-gotten gains from Malaysia, as the full magnitude of his excess becomes clear.

'Jay Low' acting out for real the role of his best Hollywood pal Leo DiC in The Great Gatsby?
‘Jay Low’ acting out for real the role of his best Hollywood pal Leo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby?

Sarawak Report has previously documented how his extended partying of the century began shortly after the first US$700 million was transferred out of Malaysia’s 1MDB development fund into the Swiss account of a company owned by him – namely Good Star Limited, incorporated in the Seychelles.

The celebrations began in Vegas in October 2009 then progressed towards New York, Hollywood, San Tropez and on to Dubai and the Middle East, as more money found its way out of 1MDB and into his accounts over subsequent years.

However, nothing has emerged to match the unbelievable excess of his 30th birthday celebration of 3/4th November 2012, which we can now detail (below).

First, a useful round-up of how Malaysia’s public money was siphoned out of 1MDB can be accessed from the subsequently banned business paper, The Edge. See their original money flow chart and the close up below:

Close up - follow the trail in green into Jho Low's Good Star!
Close up – follow the trail showing the first payments into Jho Low’s company Good Star, followed by the pay offs for his co-conspirators!

Secret ‘Jay Low’ Gatsby of the 21st century party scene

It is clear that Jho Low was immediately desperate to wallow in his fabulous sudden riches from 1MDB and keen to impress new collaborators for future scams, such as the then Chairman of Abu Dhabi’s Aabar fund and the Hakkasan chain, Khadem Al Qubaisi, who became a key pal and business partner.

What he wanted was extravagant parties, yet he was vulnerable to scrutiny over his sudden wealth. So, like the fictitious conman Jay Gatsby of the iconic American novel The Great Gatsby, Jho Low has attempted to keep to the background of the enormous parties he has funded.

Sneak photo of 'Jay Low's' 30th birthday marquee tent in LV
Sneak photo of ‘Jay Low’s’ 30th birthday marquee tent in LV

And by sticking to the favoured haunts of the super-rich this party-thrower of the 21st century plainly hoped to keep matters discreet.

However spending on such levels is hard to keep under wraps in the age of Twitter, Facebook and You Tube.

SR’s researchers have thus followed the trail of the ‘party whale’, despite his cat and mouse attempts to buy up the copyright of the paparazzi pics that tell the tale.

Private stage for the 'Jay Low' 30th party in LV
Private stage for the ‘Jay Low’ 30th party in LV

We have traced how millions and millions were spent on an apparent boyish obsession with the world’s most expensive champagne, women, gambling, private jets, yacht hire, music and fireworks, plus the pampering of various stars from tinsel town.

Barely clad women formed the standard backdrop to these occasions according to all reports. And a new nickname has developed in Hollywood circles for this profligate Malaysian – he has become known as ‘Jay Low’ after the legendary Jay Gatsby himself!

The 30th birthday party to beat all parties

But nothing, we have learnt, can match the 3/4th November 2012 Las Vegas birthday bash to celebrate Jho Low’s 30th year held in a special marquee estimated to have cost “double digit millions” to put on.

Dwarf Oompa Loompas - for entertainment value
Dwarf Oompa Loompas – for entertainment value

On the guest list were dozens of ‘A list’ Hollywood stars, who produced a spectacular stage show.

Yet, astonishingly, it again took place under conditions of utter secrecy.

Guests were banned from taking photos, they had to hand over their cell phones and even had to sign non-disclosure agreements before being allowed in.

Three years on we have retrieved the reports that leaked out from the event that amazed even the most hardened luxury party-goers.  Jho Low’s secret splash is out:

“I have been to many jaw-dropping “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous” parties around the world over the years, but this one topped them all.” [Robin Leach, Las Vegas Sun]

LV's premiere party reporter Robin Leach was on the scene
LV’s premiere party reporter Robin Leach was on the scene

According to our trawl of Twitter and celebrity fan sites, the local people of Las Vegas were soon also spreading the news about the party to end all parties – and about the identity of the 21st century Jay Gatsby behind the jaw-dropping display of utter excess:

A DiCaprio fan site swaps notes on the night
A DiCaprio fan site swaps notes on the night

Robin Leach, club writer for the Las Vegas Sun, was plainly an invited guest – allowed to write up the story under conditions of anonymity for the party sponsor. As he relates, mega-pop stars, under-dressed waitresses and even dwarfs were there to entertain at the party to end all parties:

“Pop princess Britney Spears! New love mates Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, plus, Paris Hilton and Italian model beau River Viperi! They were among the celebrities who turned the biggest star-studded private celebration Las Vegas has ever seen into the party of the year.

With R&B and rap stars Swizz Beatz, Ludacris and Chris Brown debuting their single “Everyday Birthday,” it was a mega lineup of music superstars all under a giant open-air tent. The party included a Ferris wheel, a fairground carousel, a circus trampoline, a cigar lounge and a huge, after-midnight, 15-minute fireworks show.

…The extraordinary celebration got underway at 10 p.m., although it looks to have taken at least 10 days to set up the party area on an empty lot just off the Strip. Unless you had the printed parking permit and your name was on the security list, there was no way for gatecrashers to get through the super-tight, airport-style security.

..It was nonstop, unlimited drinks poured by an attractive army of 250 glamour girls dressed in revealing, short, tight red outfits.

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 09.53.40There also was a super squadron of Cirque du Soleil-type entertainers on stilts, masked curvy creatures, revelers in lit-up costumes and bizarre outfits, and lacy lingerie-wearing ladies swinging on hoops suspended over the two screened, offside walls where the dancers kept the electricity sparking. A troupe of mini-people even added to the fun.

The party playpen was divided into two sections, an amusement park area with fairground attractions and a nightclub-style dance floor area with luxurious leather couches to watch the sensational stage and firework shows.

On stage, the 2-hour concert never seemed to end, with Oscar winner Jamie Foxx playing unexpected MC and wrangler of the stars. Psy opened the private concert with his monster global hit “Gangnam Style.”

..Swizz Beatz, Busta Rhymes and QTip followed with amazing performances before the massive fireworks display.

That was the cue for Britney’s arrival as she strolled through the crowd greeting the platinum party people and then going up onstage. As Britney sang, a laser light show lit up the sky as the four giant overhead video screens rolled up to give everybody the perfect view of the fireworks.

The celebrity list was endless. I have been to many jaw-dropping “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous” parties around the world over the years, but this one topped them all.”

Wow Jay Low!

How the locals were commenting on the night of 3/4th Nov 2012
How the locals were commenting on the night of 3/4th Nov 2012

and more:

Bemused Las Vegas locals
Bemused Las Vegas locals

Another LV writer to pick up on Low’s monster event to celebrate himself was Norm Clarke:

Norm Clarke Party commentator has his field day
Norm Clarke Party commentator has his field day

He too was clearly under orders not to mention the host, in return for permission to write about the so-called “mystery party” held by a certain “somebody” and attended by a “special guest”, who was presented with a $2.5 million Bugatti Veyron as a birthday gift:

“An extravagant mystery party had Las Vegas buzzing on Sunday.

Somebody outdid themselves with one of the biggest concerts ever staged here.

Held on the former Wet ‘n’ Wild site that fronts the Strip, the celebration included a massive tent that featured an indoor Ferris wheel, a 12:45 a.m. fireworks display and a jaw-dropping lineup of A-list celebrities topped off by birthday serenades from Britney Spears.

The 300-plus VIPs included: Oscar winners Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Jamie Foxx, Benicio del Toro, along with Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Olympic swimming great Michael Phelps and Korean pop sensation Psy of “Gangnam Style” fame.

One report had Di Caprio rapping onstage with Q-Tip and Busta Rhymes. LMFAO’S Redfoo and the Party Rock Crew also performed during the two-hour concert.

A source close to the event organizers described it as a launch party for the song “Everyday It’s Your Birthday,” a collaboration by hip hop producer Swizz Beatz, Ludacris and Chris Brown.

Who picked up the tab for the megabash was also something of a mystery.

Attendees had to sign nondisclosure agreements and were met with layers of extra security.

It’s fairly safe to say, in this era of six-figure appearance fees being paid to celebrities, that the all-in cost of the party may have approached double-digit millions.

One of the guests who got special attention from Spears was Malaysian billionaire Jho Low, known as Jay Low.

According to a party account that appeared on the website of Los Angeles radio giant KROQ, a friend presented the 30-something Jho with a $2.5 million, 1,000-horsepower Bugatti Veyron.

He’s a regular in gossip columns for champagne-fueled party tabs in excess of $100,000 and for flying celebrity pals like Paris Hilton around the world to join him.

Hilton, who attended Saturday’s soiree, has denied reports he paid her $1 million to party with him.

He is no stranger to the Las Vegas high-roller scene.

One of his previous over-the-top birthday parties in recent years was held at Gardens of the Gods pools at Caesars Palace.

One of the most infamous parties with which he was associated reportedly involved a $2 million champagne tab run up by his brother.

Jho explained that was a case of just “40-50 of us friends who ordered some drinks and had a good relaxing night.” [Under orders?  Norm’s write up only hints that the party may have been hosted by “special guest” ‘Jay Low’]

Luxury private fairground
Luxury private fairground

Clearly some Las Vegas locals were annoyed:

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But, what a night for Jay Low Gatsby to savour and enjoy.

Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 09.38.30How kind of his friend Khadem to present him with the world’s most expensive motor.

How marvellous for all those self-indulgent Hollywood stars to binge off such excess in the midst of undressed women and amusing dwarfs.

Meanwhile, pity the poor Malaysians back home on whose behalf 1MDB’s billions have been borrowed in the name of progress and prosperity.

Because it is those Malaysians who are the ones who are going to have to pay all this money back and ultimately fund Jay Low’s party splashes and champagne.

It is clearly a pity that Prime Minister Najib Razak, who personally manages 1MDB and is a close associate of Jay Low, has yet to utter a single word to call for his arrest or extradition – he saves those threats for Sarawak Report!

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“While you were sleeping, one Chinese billionaire was having the party of the year.

Saturday night (Nov 3) in a massive rented tent at the foot of the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, a star-studded bash rivaling even the best Academy Awards parties, was secretly being held behind throngs of presidential-style security, four checkpoints deep.

The ultra private event was a birthday party for a Chinese billionaire simply referred to as “Jay Lo.”

Run down for the evening
Run down for the evening

A party-goer who requested anonymity told CBS Local“security was matched only by what you would imagine from the Secret Service. Guests and celebrities understood photos were totally off-limits.”

The party had a unique dress code as well. “Everyone, including celebrities and talent, were required required to wear either a tuxedos or a red dress,” said the tuxedoed reveler.

For inside the 300 person VIP-only shindig was a cavalcade of celebrities including Robert De Niro, Tobey Maguire, Jamie Foxx, Benicio Del Toro, Zack Galifianakis, Bradley Cooper, Britney SpearsPharrell WilliamsBusta Rhymes, Leonardo DiCaprio, Olympic medalist Michael Phelps, Korean pop-sensation PSYLudacrisKanye West, Kim Kardashian, Chris Brown and more.

Not your normal drink service, complimentary cocktails included entire bottles of Crystal, slid across a 24-foot bar carved from solid ice. With drinks in hand, party-goers enjoyed a massive indoor Ferris wheel.

Straight out of The Wizard Of Oz, more than 20 umpa loompas frolicked throughout the party while scantily clad Circue Du Solei-style aerial acrobats performed overhead.

“At one point, DiCarprio was rapping on stage with Q-Tip and Busta Rhymes.”

When it came time to sing happy birthday, one Miss Britney Spears stepped up to the do the honors, after which, a friend reportedly presented the birthday boy with a rather unique 4-wheeled gift; a Bugatti Veyron, a 1000 horsepower, $2.5M supercar.” [CBS local Kroc News]

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