This press release is to announce that Sarawak Report’s chief investigative journalist, Clare Rewcastle will be joining the forum “1MDB: The Ultimate Low Down” via video conference.
As we all now, the exposes on the Sarawak Report has brought crucial evidence – both previously secret documents as well as email conversations – to vindicate the various critics of 1MDB over the past few years.
Many would have felt the earth move under their feet with the explosive coverage of the 1MDB scandal and they have played no small part in finally forcing the Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Razak to concede to a no-holds-barred special audit by the Auditor-General.
The exposes could not have come at a more needful time as 1MDB reels from financial distress, having nearly defaulted on a RM2 billion loan after extending its due date thrice. It had needed an emergency loan from a mysterious benefactor, speculated, and never denied to be local billionaire Tan Sri Ananda Krishnan. 1MDB has since received another RM950 million in bailout funds from the Cabinet to ease its liquidity crunch.
The Sarawak Report also destroyed any further denials that the flamboyant 33-year-old Jho Low wasn’t involved in the backroom shenanigans of the Company which has accumulated at least RM42 billion of debt in just 5 years.
The Forum will be held in the Crystal Crown Hotel, Jalan Utara, Petaling Jaya on Sunday, 15 March 2015 at 3pm. The other confirmed speakers will be Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli, Members of Parliament for Petaling Jaya Utara and Pandan respectively. The forum will be moderated by Cynthia Gabriel, the Executive Director for Centre to Combat Corruption & Cronyism.
Admission to the forum is free for members of the public. Who knows, Clare Rewcastle may have another card up her sleeves during the video-conferencing session.
– Tony Pua