Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Open Letter To The Rakyat Of Semananjong

The Malay community was promised by UMNO in 1957 and since that its position of primacy would remain permanently The handicaps, resulting mainly from the fact that is largely an economic underclass, would be erased by special status and special privileges not open to other citizens of the new Malaysia. On that basis UMNO received its first parliamentary majority and is majorities since.

Had this committment been made honestly and with a view to protecting the Malay community while education and work experience fitted it to compete with other racial groups in Malaysia it would have been acceptable. As would the privileged status of Malays in government service and the Armed Forces.

But if there was ever anything honest about it that long ago disappeared. Corrupt politicians, supported by Malay votes, misused their positions to rob, cheat, steal and generally disgrace the good name of the Malay community.  And that means ALL theMalay community; not just your corrupt Ministers and members of Parliament. Are you happy about that?

When your UMNO President stole hundreds of millions of dollars of government money did you see any of it as new schools, roads, hospitals?  No you didnt! He hid it in Singapre and other countries overseas. Why? To keep it safe for you or for him?

Day by day the name Malaysia stinks worse and worse in the eyes and ears of the world. Day by day Najib’s lies becme ever more rdiculous and unbelievable. He still sits in Putrajaya only because of the MP’s of your party whom he has bribed and the support of corrupt officials like the IGP and the Attorney Geneal.

Ni doubt your local UMNO representatives have been telling you that everything bad said pubicly and world wide  about Najib are lies. Answer this question then, and if you cant ask   your local UMNO representative for the answer. ” If these are all lies why has Najib not sued anyone?  That is the first action taken by anyone defamed in order tp clear their good name. Najib has not sued. Najib dare not sue since he knows, as the whole world knows, that all the accusations are true.

Do you want your party to be headed by a world scale crook?  The lnoger you allow this to cpntinue the more the outsde world will assume that you are all crooked too.

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