Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

To Advise The Ministry Of Finance!

It is reported that mega thief Najib has been appointed “to advise the Ministry of Finance” Talk about putting a fox in the hen house!

What were the qualifications sought by criminal PN in looking for a suitable candidate for such an important role? “Must have previous fraud convictions”? Must be willing to share proceeds of theft!  Only in Malaysia.

If there was only one Malaysian who believed that PN, and those who put it in power, are honest they would now acknowledge their mistake. If international reputation means anything to Malaysians they can now take pride in being one of, if not the most, corrupt countries in the world. Also one of the stupidest for putting up with rule by crooks and criminals at all levels of their society.

Back, for a moment, to Najib. What does anyone think will be his first, and last advice. Here is a Cayman Islands bank account number. Transfer the lot and then see me off at the airport.

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