
Clownish Distraction? 1MDB/SRC’s $23 Billion Legal Claim Reaps Ridicule In KL

With this inept $23 billion dollar legal extravaganza PN’s lawyers have thrown away their bird in the hand (the Abu Dhabi IPIC case) for a flock in the bush that are well equipped with beaks and wings…..

The 1MDB Board’s Denials Raise More Questions Than Answers – Again

Proper transparency would resolve the concerns about money going missing from 1MDB (again) and yet all that has been offered is an ‘assurance’ by 1MDB’s own Board of Directors. Time for the independent management from PWC to put their reputation on the line therefore and support the statements claiming that the fund’s secrecy around recent settlements conceals nothing untoward ……

Malaysian Government Rakes In 1MDB Fines – Whilst Persecuting Journalists Who Exposed The Scandal

It is pretty sickening to watch the likes of Finance Minister Zaifrul, who did precisely nothing as a banker to prevent the thefts from 1MDB, seek to take praise for the return of monies now. Meanwhile, he and his government have done nothing but threaten and intimidate journalists once more, to whom Malaysia actually owes the debt of gratitude for the unravelling of this scandal……

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