
Najib Dished Out Over Half A Billion From 1MDB Slush Fund For BN Election Expenses MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Report now has comprehensive figures, showing exactly how Prime Minister Najib Razak distributed the money he stole from the 1MDB Development Fund during the period of the last 2013 election……

Swiss Solidarity On 1MDB…

Xavier Justo has remained silent for several months since his return from Thailand, in order to cooperate with ongoing investigations by the Swiss authorities…..

Swiss Freeze 100 Accounts Linked To 1MDB

As the Najib family continue to blag it out, Sarawak Report has information that further action is imminent in Switzerland and the UK that looks set to expand the 1MDB clear-up operation further…..

No Wrong-doing At 1MDB?

There have been no validated accounts since 2012 and yet Najib Razak says all is well with 1MDB. Ought Malaysians worry about his continuing role as both Prime Minister and Finanance Minister of their country?……

The Newcomer’s Handy Guide To 1MDB – 2017!

The logic is that if Najib can manage to again buy the next election he will at last be able to put behind him the scandal that after two years has refused to go away, ignore the foreign critics and be safe from justice at last. Will he succeed?……

IT Executive ? – Justo’s Real Role At 1MDB

The lies and belittling of Justo, participated in by Malaysian official news agencies, are just part of PetroSaudi’s now fully exposed sham attempts to continue to portry themselves as an honest company, innocently caught up in 1MDB…..

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