Land Grabs

Burning Borneo Causes Worldwide Concern

The tragedy of South East Asia’s wanton forest destruction has once again caught the attention of the rest of the world, mainly because it is inconveniencing the citizens of Singapore. Singapore smog is getting headlines in the UK and US, reminding all of the dreadful truth concealed behind the expensive branding of “Malaysia Truly Asia”. […]

Top BN Crony Secretly Secures Sarawak Oil Fields! EXCLUSIVE

In a shocking departure from normal practice one of BN’s top business cronies, Ananda Krishnan, has secured direct control of a series of Sarawak’s off-shore oil fields. It makes his private company Pexco “one of the largest acreage holders in Malaysia”, according to its own CEO. The astonishing development has placed the multi-billionaire (known for

Enemies Of The State?

Sarawak Report is flattered to note that the Chief Minister regards our occasional observations on his management of the State of Sarawak as tantamount to a significant threat. So much so, that he chose his post election speech to the State Assembly as a platform to rail against us and denounce this and our sister

The World Wakes Up To Taib – AFP Says It As It Is..

In case readers of Sarawak Report failed to pick up on the assessment of Sarawak by one of the world’s top news agencies, Agence France Press, we reprint (below) how it was presented in the South China Morning Post. Taib had better accept that the international perception of his regime has finally wised up and

Top British Naturalist Condemns Sarawak & Sabah Logging

One of Britain’s most popular TV personalities, the bird expert Bill Oddie, has released a video condemning the disastrous logging of the Borneo Jungle in Sarawak and Sabah. In the video he singles out the international banking system for supporting individuals like Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman, who have been the prime forces in driving

Taib Panics and Offers Headmen a Living Wage!

What better sign of BN’s panic that they may lose this election than the frantic handouts and sudden promises of ‘projects’ that we have been seeing this week? In 2008 the average election bribe that BN paid to poor rural folk per vote was a mere RM10.  Yet this week the timber tycoon MP Tiong

Ben Fogle – Regrets Role As Sarawak Tourism Ambassador

The TV ‘adventurer’ Ben Fogle has gone public to express his regret at having taken on a highly paid role for the Sarawak Government as their tourism ambassador. He now acknowledges, along with the rest of the world, that Taib Mahmud has turned this part of the Borneo Jungle into an environmental disaster zone, where

“Forced To Become Coolies In Their Own Lands” MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Report has received a leaked copy of a devastating official report on the treatment of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, which BN has been trying to keep secret until after the election. In the report Malaysia’s human rights commission Suhakam has lambasted Taib’s State Government on count after count over its conduct over

Global Witness Say Yes To Taib!

The UK-based NGO Global Witness has responded to Taib Mahmud’s bizarre offer to debate with them about the corruption and land grabbing under his regime in Sarawak. And their answer is “yes”. During an election period this will most likely leave opposition leaders like PKR’s Baru Bian and DAP’s Chong Chieng Jen somewhat amazed. Both

Princess Jamilah In Business Exporting Hardwood From Sarawak To The USA!

Taib Mahmud has vehemently denied that his Canadian daughter Jamilah and his other family members do business in Sarawak. However, we can show that for decades they have been exporting hardwood straight from the jungles of Sarawak to the USA! Also involved in the family export ring are Taib’s brothers Onn and Tufail, his late

Julau People Outraged Over Taib Family Land Grabs

The people of Julau who saw themselves victimised on the devastating film expose by Global Witness last week have come out in fury to protest at the secret disposal of their Native Customary Rights lands to Taib’s family members. PKR front-runner in the area, Andy Wong, made a police report on the 23rd of March, followed

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