1MDB Has Been ‘Explained’!

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Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang claims that voters do not seem as concerned about the 1MDB controversy anymore, with speculation being rife that the next general election will be held in March next year.

“The opposition keeps talking about it in the newspapers, but the reality is, people are looking at the government’s performance instead,” Tan told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.

He said there were also not many questions about the 1MDB scandal during his visits at the grassroots levels as the people were instead interested in bread-and-butter issues…

He said the reason why the 1MDB issue has subsided was likely because it has already been explained.

What exactly has Mr Tan explained to his voters?

That a ‘Saudi Royal’ gave Najib the money and that the USA/Swiss/Singaporeans/Hong Kong/Luxembourg etc have deliberately tried to ‘topple’ his ‘democratically elected’ leader by alleging otherwise?

The stories have changed so often that it would be nice to know exactly what the latest explanation is and whether the various BN spokesmen, who have made so many contradictory statements, have settled on a single one?

Whatever he has to say, it would appear that most Malaysians have already concluded that the Prime Minister has stolen big fat billions from the development fund to rig elections, fund his wife and bribe UMNO leaders… not much left to ask.

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