Malays Do Not Own East Malaysia Mr Yunis

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Malays should realise that Malaysia is their country and they therefore must unite to look after and defend every inch of Malay land, Sungai Besar Umno division chief Jamal Mohd Yunos says.

Jamal who is also chairperson of a coalition of Malay NGOs, said there is no other land for the Malays except Malaysia.

“Hence, let us rise and unite, in the name of Malays and Islam, to look after our homeland from any threats and exploitations that are prevalent or hidden.

“This is what we inherited from our fighters and ancestors, which is precious and which we should look after,” Jamal said in a Facebook posting.

He said while he is thankful to Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang for his concerns over the problems faced by the Petaling Street Chinese traders, the clear message in this was that the Chinese have a place to complain, or fall back on, to protect their fortunes.

“They (the Chinese) have the land, or origin country that is China. If anything happens to them they have a place to rely on (unlike others),” Jamal said in the posting as his clarion call for the Malays to unite.

It has to be said that every country has its share of Jamals.

In the UK they are known as racist thugs and if Jamal were to venture onto their turf they might call him all sorts of unpleasant things, because he looks different to them.

However, Jamal would be protected under British laws and there racist thugs know better than to be too public about their attitudes.

In Malaysia at the moment, however, the man in charge is openly encouraging Jamal and the ruling party is funnelling money and support into his toxic movement.

Sadly this is not because Najib is a racist, it is because he is looking for anybody who will support him politically. It is therefore a shameful exploitation of the worst in human nature by a desperate politician.

So desperate that he is even prepared to allow this provocation of his powerful neighbours China and Singapore, by allowing attacks on those Malaysians whom Yunis calls ‘Chinese’.

People in East Malaysia are also naturally becoming increasingly alienated by this dangerous and ridiculous posturing – who is Jamal to say that all Malaysia belongs only to Malays?

Do the majority of Dayak not have rights in their own part of the country or are they supposed to surrender their ancient lands and all authority to Malays?

Time to hand over to someone who can bring Malaysia back together rather than tearing it apart?


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