BN Propaganda Is One Thing, Reality In Sarawak Is Another

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Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has stressed that he will continue visiting every nook and corner of Sarawak to check on the welfare of the people.

“It is my responsibility as the head of the government to do so, irrespective of their race or religion and where they live,” he said.

Najib was speaking at a meet-the-people session at Rh Jawang anak Janting in Bukit Sari, more than a two-hour drive from Pakan through logging roads.

He also wanted to personally see the positive impacts made by the various social development projects, which the 1Malaysia Sarawak Advisory Council (1MSAC) had implemented at the 43-door Iban longhouse.

The projects include micro hydro and clean water supply projects, along with a fire-fighting system designed specially for longhouses and villages in remote areas….


The PM said that when the people were more comfortable, they would be more united.

“However, I am sad that some quarters are politicising the council and the good work that it has done,” he added.

As the Prime Minister, who openly admits that he took billions in order to illegally buy the last general election in Sarawak, swans round electioneering, he takes care to sorrowfully accuse everyone else of “politicising” issues.

It is OK therefore for Najib to politicise things and take personal and party credit for every expenditure in the state, but he attacks others for “politicising” as if it were a crime.

Criminals do tend to be hypocrites.

Sarawakians are desperately short of information about their plight and the causes of their poverty in such a resource rich state, since they are subject to blanket BN control of media and relentless propaganda.

However, they should realise that they are extremely poor and have received minimal development for the entire 50 years BN has controlled and stripped bare their wealthy timber state and sucked out their oil reserves into West Malaysia.

It is a calculated decision to keep them poor and ignorant, so that they won’t expect a fairer share of the billions of dollars (not ringgit) taken by the few BN politicians in charge

The only way to force a better bargain is to vote BN out and challenge the next lot to do better.

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