Death To Anyone Who Does Not Vote For Najib

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[Translated] Third parties or locals who betrayed the country giving Malaysia a bad name abroad or defected and liaised with the Department of Justice (DoJ) of the United States is punishable by death under the Penal Code.

Secretary of the Political, Security and International Council of Professors (MPN), Prof. Datuk Dr. Abdul Halim Sidek said this was because the indictment is like a fairy tale. The DoJ only obtained information from the parties that are not satisfied with the government.

He said the DoJ should refer to some credible sources such as the Malaysian Embassy in the United States, the Prime Minister or representatives of Malaysia abroad prior to submitting the claim.

” Action of the DoJ in attacking a sovereign, free and independent countr such as Malaysia has violated the protocol, as well as international laws and regulations can lead to confrontation between the two countries.

“The motive of this action is obvious to all, which is to humiliate Malaysia, prejudice in the community against the government because upcoming elections soon and the action can also undermine the confidence of foreign investors,” he said when contacted by Utusan Malaysia here today.

He is a lecturer in the Law School of Business Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) to comment on the Attorney General, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali describes the action DoJ filed a civil suit most recent to seize US $ 540 million allegedly obtained from the fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) is political nature.

What this ‘law professor’ (who incidentally has been given a nice job in a quango created by Najib called The National Professors’ Council) is saying is that in the ‘free and democratc’ state of Malaysia anyone who doesn’t worship Najib and vote for Najib should be put to death.

As Najib failed (even after vote buying and cheating) to even win the majority popular vote at the last election that is a lot of bloodshed.

This is clearly the sort of loyalty money can buy these days in KL and it shows what ostensibly educated people are willing to sacrifice to get it.  They are willing to sacrifice their people and their country.

The legal eagle also is plainly willing to even square up Malaysia against the military might of the United States on behalf of his boss, ignoring the fact that the US is only exacting its own domestic laws, by confiscating dirty money and assets within in its legal territory.

Effectively, this law professor chap wants Malaysia to become a rogue state, like North Korea, so devoted is he to his thieving boss.

In his zeal he has none the less picked up on one key financial point, which is that all this defiance of international norms and objective law enforcement could be a wee bit damaging for business. Investors do tend to avoid crack-pot regimes.

The Prof is going to have to consider the consequences, according his own logic, therefore. Put simply, all those lovely ringgit that his boss Najib has given him will be worth zero if Malaysia takes up his talk about chopping off the heads of people who have more confidence in the DOJ than the usurper and self-proven liar AG Apandi Ali in Malaysia.

His entire annual salary won’t buy him a banana outside of what will have become a banana republic.  What use of continuing to worship his paymaster then?

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