Desperation Hits PN With Election Talk

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Former premier Najib Abdul Razak has .. said Umno is prepared in the event Parliament is dissolved if Pakatan Harapan only manages to secure a slim majority with “bought” MPs.

“Harapan still wants to topple the government by buying PN MPs. Even if Harapan has enough numbers, that number would be slim and the Harapan 2.0 government would be unstable.

“Defections from one or two people will cause the government to change hands.

“As such, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong can use his wisdom and powers to dissolve Parliament to resolve the political instability afflicting our country,”..

This was after Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi posted on Facebook a photograph (below) of him and Najib, with the caption: “We are ready for GE15. Are you ready to be with us?”



What better admission than this sudden talk of an election that PN has failed to achieve its back door coup through its own strategy of bought MPs?

These two pampered political warlords know that ‘PM8’ cannot command a majority, even after the three month breather provided by the Covid pandemic during which they have handed out jobs and bribes to anyone who will take them.

Both these desperadoes have scores of charges against them for vast amounts of graft and abuse of office and they plainly don’t want to swap their Italian furnished palaces for reflection in a spartan cell.

There is likely not to even be time to ‘plea bargain’ their way out of those charges before PN falls, so today they embarked on this last desperate gambit to engineer an untimely election instead. And naturally they did so with a level of cheek and double standards to leave honest folk gasping breathless.

Thus, whilst it was fine for PN to claim a working majority with at the best 2 MPs, Najib today announced such an arrangement would be intolerable if the shoe was on the other foot. In the process he of course is admitting that defections are making certain the balance will be the other way with a PH advantage. So, now he says this slim majority is no longer ‘workable’ and is ‘unstable’.

He wants the Agong to ‘use his wisdom’ and call and election unless the ‘slim majority’ belongs to PN.

With even more brass neck he accuses PH of seeking to “buy” the defecting MPs who have become increasingly sick of the lies, the graft and infighting under PN. This from a bunch of conspirators who have been embarrassingly recorded in flagrante delicto describing this very process of buying MPs as their own key strategy for luring them away from the parties they were elected to represent at the last election.

MPs returning to Harapan will be returning to what their voters wanted. Meanwhile, these two UMNO kleptocrats appear to think they have stirred up sufficient trouble, strife and hatred in Malaysia over the past two years that voters will give up all hopes of reform and vote their thieving parties back.

More to the point, what other options do they have besides one last gamble with an election now that their coup has cratered?

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