‘Eyeing Sarawak’s Resources’ – Who Has Actually Taken The Wealth?

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Those wanting to take control of Sarawak are not from Sarawak, and Sarawakians must realise that only Sarawakians can take care of Sarawak – not these outsiders.

“They are envious of Sarawak’s resources and wealth, and are surely eyeing control of the state to the point of saying negative things about the Sarawak government, including that we are mismanaging the funds and reserves that we currently have,” he added.

The chief minister stressed that the state risked losing its wealth and resources if it were to fall into the hands of outsiders, who will ‘come and go’ as they please as they do not have a sense of belonging to the state.

Thus, he hoped that Sarawakians will remain united as unity is Sarawak’s greatest strength for development…..


The dinner, which was hosted by Sarawak Malay Cultural Foundation Charitable Trust (AKYBMS), saw the presence of deputy chief ministers Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan and Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah, Minister in the Chief Minister’s Office (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Assistant Minister of E-Commerce Datuk Mohd Naroden Majais, Assistant Minister of Agriculture Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail, Assistant Minister of Law, State-Federal Relations and Project Monitoring Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali, Assistant Minister of Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment Datu Len Talif Salleh, and Assistant Minister of Women, Family and Childhood Development Rosey Yunus, among others.

How telling that the Sarawak Chief Minister, surrounded by all of the Governor’s henchmen still in office, should start to complain about nameless ‘outsiders’ ‘eying the wealth’ of the state.

This is because his listeners at this lavish dinner have for the past decades treated the resources of Sarawak exactly as if they owned them, helping themselves.  They therefore live in permanent fear of others pointing out they are not entitled to their stolen wealth and in response to criticism accuse their critics of being after the money instead.

Fact is, few Sarawakians have benefitted from the mass resource extraction from the state or the mega-contracts using borrowed public money.  However, nearly all those cited as among the ‘great and the good’ at this dinner party have been the beneficiaries of large (in some cases vast) concessions and contracts in return for their roles in the inner circle of the Taib family kleptocracy in Sarawak.

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