Hadi Admits Coup Coalition Is Illegitimate

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PAS, together with allies Umno and Bersatu, could form a new government with two-thirds majority should snap polls be called, said PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang.

“If you mix the support for PAS, Umno and Bersatu, there are many seats that we can win. We may be able to win a two-thirds majority,” said Hadi in an interview with Reuters.

Hadi expected snap polls would take place sometime between this year-end and early next year.

Favouring snap elections, Hadi said this was necessary to increase Malay representation in Parliament and legitimise the Perikatan Nasional coalition’s claim to power.

Well the prelate has admitted what the rest of Malaysia has been complaining about for months. The government he is part of has no working majority in parliament and is not legitimate.

This rag tag bunch of squabbling and greedy power-grabbers is made up of a considerable number of charged and convicted criminals, whose crimes have been plainly exposed on a global scale, and numerous MPs who have been illegally bribed over with public positions and perks and promises of cash and ‘projects’.

It is sad and embarrassing.

The finance minister is not even elected, his main qualification appearing to be his royal connections. The PM received not one vote from MPs as a deserter from his own party, which he is now in the process of destroying, and the Speaker has been illegally installed in office against the proper protocols.

So, Hadi is right there should be an election. At least this time he won’t be lying about being opposed to UMNO and he has confessed to his part in an illegitimate, corrupted coup.

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