Hadi No Longer Denies Receiving UMNO Money?

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On Thursday, Anwar had said the revelation about the RM90 million needs time as it is still under MACC probe.

“The answer from MACC was that there was no 1MDB money channeled to PAS. The allegation was not about money from 1MDB, but from Umno, which is still under investigation.

“I have specific information on the numbers and who received the money, I have seen the accounts. But I will not reveal now. Give it some time, the issue is not closed yet,” he said.

Commenting on this, Abdul Hadi, who is also MP for Marang, challenged Anwar to reveal the source of political funding which had previously been rumoured to come from overseas.

He said PAS also has information on other political leaders who allegedly received outside funding in big amounts.

“We ourselves also have information about other leaders receiving foreign funding in large numbers. That is more wrong.

“So, the government should not only be investigating us. They should also investigate the others, then only it is fair,” he said.

A fortnight ago the MACC put in papers to the AG’s office as they wrapped up their investigation into money received by PAS from UMNO.

In official speak that means they recommended more than one set of charges.

Meanwhile, a distinct change of tone has emerged from PAS leader Hadi Awang, in response to Anwar’s claim he has seen some of the evidence naming individuals who received dosh.

Gone are the furious denials that led to this party leader seeking to sue Sarawak Report, even though we never suggested his or any other name. In fact, it seems that Hadi is no longer denying the matter at all.

Instead, he has started whining about everyone else taking money as well, claiming other parties are also culpable.  He is moaning why all the blame and investigation is centering on PAS?

Maybe it is because PAS and their ‘holier than thou’ denials drew most attention to themselves?

Hadi is starting to sound like the thief. who caught red-handed starts to bleat that others are secretly thieving also, so why should he be blamed?

As a teacher of morals Hadi should be able to come up with plenty of answers to that question.

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