It’s Official, Malaysia’s Police Chief Has Gone Mad!

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Inspector-general of police (IGP) Khalid Abu Bakar said Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi should surrender himself or face arrest for his allegedly offensive tweet on the death of PAS spiritual leader Haron Din.

“If he (Ooi) wants to make things easier, just surrender himself.

“Or else we (police) will find him,” Khalid told reporters after the monthly assembly at Bukit Aman police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.

Khalid earlier confirmed Ooi is being investigated under Section 298 of the Penal Code for causing disharmony, disunity or feelings of enmity, hatred or ill will, or prejudicing the maintenance of harmony on grounds of religion.

Ooi had tweeted, “Adios Haron Din. May there be peace” when re-tweeting another user’s message about the PAS spiritual leader’s passing on Friday.

There is a proverb: “He who is slow to anger has great understanding, But he who is quick-tempered exalts folly”.

In any other English speaking country, Jeff Ooi’s remark would have been interpreted as a fond farewell. A plea to let bygones be bygones at a time of loss and mourning.

‘May they rest in peace’, ‘Let there be peace’ are traditional sentiments expressed by former friend or foe at a time of passing.

‘Adios’ means “Go with God’ and is a term the Spanish use at a parting from loved ones or to friends and strangers they might pass along a journey or politely in a street. A well-wishing in a shared moment, often heart felt.

To take offence at such sentiments is therefore quite staggering. Is it ignorance of the language, which is forgivable but needs correcting or mere ‘offence-seeking’ that has triggered this undignified outburst by supposed supporters of a respected religious figure, who deserves better from followers at such a time?

Khalid should remember that his job is to keep the peace. as Jeff Ooi’s sentiment advised, not to stir up misguided discord in this way.

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