Losing Patience!

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Speaking at an event commemorating his 40 years involvement in politics, Najib explained that his ability to continue his work in politics may be due to his patience.

“But I want to say, I am patient, but I have my limits, too.

“Don’t think that you can do as you like. Don’t think that I won’t take action when you cross the line,” he warned.

Though Najib clarified that when he does take action, “it will be based on facts, the party and the government”.

While he did not name names, he is clearly referring to his critics within Umno.

Has it not occurred to the Prime Minister that it is the people who might be losing patience with him?

Malaysians generally seem remarkably forbearing, but, like Najib says, but they also have their limits!

Because, is it not he himself who has crossed the line by accepting massive personal payments of over a billion dollars into his accounts?

Is it not far too embarrassing that he is unable to point to exactly how the money got there and has subjected the public to a series of evolving stories about anonymous Kings and Princes and billionaires – and changing reasons why – and then topped it all by saying that in fact he gave most of it back ages ago after all?

And what about those defence deals now causing embarrassment in foreign courts and the bunch of dodgy court cases, where he has been so inappropriately involved (from the prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim to the cover-up over Altantuya).

What cheek to tell others they must not test patience too far!

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