Millions On A Floating Mosque

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A floating mosque on the Sarawak River, to be built starting next year, will be another attraction in the capital city.

State Tourism Minister Abang Johari Openg said the proposed mosque would be an extension to the historical Indian Muslim Mosque located between India Street and Gambier Street in the city centre in Kuching.

Speaking to reporters in Kuching yesterday, he said the mosque would symbolise religious harmony in the city as it would be located near a Chinese temple and an Anglican church.

“This (religious harmony) is one of the features we have that we want to share with our visitors,” he said, adding that specific details including the cost of the project would be announced in due time.

Taib’s family company CMS should get yet another share leap as the state announces another mega-construction project.

Yet the majority of rural folk still have no access to clean running water.

If this was about attracting tourists then the Governor should take a trip to Brunei to see how many tourists flock there to see their golden domed mosque, which was such an extravagant sensation when it was built.

Answer? Pretty much zero tourists go to Brunei.

An obvious top attraction for Sarawak should be the once unparalleled jungle, if properly marketed. That’s where the few tourists do go in Brunei. But, the tourists who come to see Sarawak’s jungle sadly soon realise that there is very little left.

If Taib wants to promote religious harmony he should also show some sense of fairness.  He is pouring more hundreds of millions into yet another project promoting his own minority religion in the state, whereas barely anything is spent on the Christian majority religion.

Where is the harmony in that?

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