More Details Of This Political Bribery Are Called For

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PKR’s Tebrau MP Steven Choong Shiau Yoon has denied plans to exit the party, alleging he even turned down a full ministerial position “from the other side” when the change in government was taking place.

Choong said this in response to purported claims he formed an NGO – EcoSocial Movement – as an “exit tool” from PKR in order to join Gerakan.

“I am disappointed (that) in the last few days there was a post specifically mentioning my name and two others, that we have set up an NGO as an exit from PKR since there is no place for us in PKR because of our previous affiliation with those who left the party to form the (Perikatan Nasional) PN government.

“[…] During the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government… I even turned down an offer of a full minister post from the other side. Hence, I remain committed to serving the people, the ideals of social justice and the reform agenda for all Malaysians,” he said in a statement today.

Full credit to this PKR MP who refused, despite having earlier sympathies with the Azmin camp, to get caught up in Azmin’s treachery against PKR voters.

However, he ought to be more specific about the bribes he has been offered. In saying he was promised a full cabinet position in return for abandoning all the commitments he made to his electorate in GE14 he has detailed the offer of a dishonest political bribe that goes far beyond the normal ‘horse-trading’.

So, who made this offer and how was the approach made exactly? What other blandishments were on the table? Was cash offered and, if so, how much?

This man has made the worthy choice, like several others who also got hoodwinked by Azmin’s self-motivated machinations into causing distraction and disruption for PH. They balked at jumping into the Sheraton Move. However, others did and Malaysians need to be given clearer details of the bribery that has tempted the less worthy fellows who took up the offer he refused.

If the Tebrau MP wishes to keep his counsel for now, he ought to be brought as a witness when PKR finally launches its multi-million ringgit court cases against the frog MPs who broke their commitment to voters NOT to sell their seats to the highest political bidders…. namely the crooks from UMNO and those who became their agents, like Azmin Ali.


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