No More Bias!

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“The workshop and trip were never orchestrated by SEB as alleged by NGOs and disappointed individuals. It was suggested by us during the breaking of fast this year to which their CEO agreed. We will continue to organise activities with SEB. We have no reason whatsoever to distance ourselves from SEB and other government linked companies for that matter.”

“Why should we be dictated by anyone on who we should associate with? What KDJA does is for the good of its members and if anyone should dictate us, it is the members and not somebody living in England,” said Sulok…..

Website Sarawak Report had alleged the media trip was orchestrated as a public relations exercise by SEB and that journalists had complied by whitewashing controversy.

‘Somebody living in England’ does not dictate what Sarawak journalists get up to, but Taib Mahmud and the timber companies (who between them control the media in the state) most certainly do.

Sarawak Report merely pointed out that instead of getting themselves over to report the situation in Murum under their own independent steam, as any self-respecting journalist ought to do on a serious issue, this bunch applied to SEB to take them on a managed, all-expenses-paid, escorted trip.

In general parlance this is known as a ‘freebie’ and Sarawak Report openly voiced the dismay and criticisms being muttered by numerous Malaysian journalists at such an approach to an important issue affecting communities in the state.

We think Sarawak journalists got the message.  But, of course, their freedom is restricted.  Most of them do their best and say as much as they can under difficult conditions and to them credit is due. Others go further and champion the real dictators.

(PS Who won the prize for coverage of Murum and who was the ‘independent’ judge appointed by SEB?)

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