Official Secret – I Am A Crook!

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Previously, Pua had raised issue about several lines regarding Bank Negara’s information that had been removed from the final PAC report on 1MDB by Hasan, without the committee’s consent.

“This finding is crucial to the entire investigations of 1MDB because the company and its executives have testified to PAC that Good Star is a subsidiary of PetroSaudi,” Pua said in a statement on April 20.

In a parliamentary reply, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Azalina Othman Said stated that the lines were expunged because the matter is classified and not meant for public consumption.

“The PAC chairperson received Bank Negara’s information which stated all the information given was ‘confidential for the purpose of intelligence only and not for court usage or public report’.

“For your information, all PAC members had been informed of the matter via a letter penned by the PAC chief to the deputy governor of the central bank on April 6.

“Given that PAC report is for public usage, the information should not be included in the report,” Azalina told Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng, who had asked the question, on May 16.

Amongst the team of knowing co-conspirators who will have to go down with Najib, Azalina ranks high.

This outrageous complicity in attempting to make any information that proves the crimes associated with 1MDB and who is responsible into an official secret confirms her complicity.

The small circle of power-abusers around Najib have now made the Auditor General’s evidence and the evidence of Bank Negara to Parliament ‘Official Secrets’, because both are cast iron and undeniable solid evidence that the Prime Minister cannot afford to have made public.

Both these official reports show without any doubt that US$7billion was stolen from 1MDB.  They also show that much of it was funnelled through the company Good Star Limited during the PetroSaudi deal. The rest went through the bogus Aabar account and the unaudited SRC International.

This behaviour is not even a ‘cover up’ attempt by the Najib circle, it is merely a ‘shut up’ attempt.

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