Pariah PM Lashes Out At Independent Institutions

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Umno Youth has filed a police report against former Bank Negara governor Zeti Akthar Aziz, outgoing Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Abu Kasim Mohamed and former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail.

According to Umno vice-chief Khairul Azwan Harun, the three are believed to be involved in a conspiracy to topple Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the Malaysian government.

Khairul lodged the report with the Dang Wangi police headquarters.

In his report, which was sighted by Malaysiakini, the Umno Youth leader said the three were suspected of providing confidential information to foreign agencies without authorisation, including the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

He also alleged that some of the documents submitted were falsified and the information twisted to achieve their agenda.

So Najib’s agents have ‘named’ the ‘traitors’ they regard as being the conspirators against the PM – as none other that the country’s most respected independent officials, before he got rid of them!

The ex-Governor of the Central Bank, Attorney General and Chief of the Anti-Corruption Commission are vilified in this attack by Najib’s paid up ‘UMNO Youth’ supporters.

Frankly, if a Prime Minister has managed to alienate figures such as these, by definition it would be time to step aside and find someone who can lead.  But, Najib is now fearful of the consequences of his crimes, which explains his extraordinary failure to step aside in the face of the tumult caused by 1MDB.

Meanwhile the accusation that the US indictment was based on ‘doctored documents’ from these top officials is, of course, soft-headed nonsense.

The United States have access to the full details of any dollar transaction in the world and once they were tipped off about 1MDB they merely had to scroll through their computer data to trace every single deal…. like the $681, which Najib himself has admitted went through his account.

No need for documents from Malaysia therefore. The day Xavier Justo’s evidence landed on the desks of the DOJ and FBI they had the Malaysian kleptocrat squared.

So by issuing this report Najib’s side-kicks have merely at last admitted something that they denied for months, which is that the previous AG DID ISSUE THAT WARRANT FOR HIS ARREST AND AS A RESULT NAJIB DID UNCONSTITUTIONALLY SACK HIM ON BOGUS GROUNDS OF ILL HEALTH.

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