Taib Plans Crackdown Against ‘Dissidents’!

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The Sarawak economic and development plan should take into account security and public order in an effort to attract more investors and tourists, said Yang Dipertua Negeri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

“We should be wary of undesirable elements from within and outside who are envious of the state’s prosperity enjoyed over the years and bent on destroying it,” he said when opening the fourth term of the 17th Sarawak State Assembly here today.

He said hence, security along the border and territorial waters should be tightened with the armed forces, police and maritime agencies beefing up their assets and intensifying patrols.

The authorities should also give priority to security at public places and residential areas, including by installing closed-circuit television cameras in strategic locations.

At the start of Sarawak’s bi-ennial pagent, the two week showcase “State Assembly” sitting that Taib parades as ‘democracy’, the veteran dictator choses to call for a crack down on people opposing his plans for further self-enrichement.

His prime concern he says is “security and public order” and “undesirable elements’ who are “envious” of his prosperity.

This is not surprising, because the man has been so unbelievably greedy and he is frankly extremely exposed to criticism from all quarters.

Well-run and fairly administered countries, where the political rulers do not steal huge sums from the public purse, do not share these concerns, since the people are not angry or restless in the way Taib fears they are around him.

His response is classic. Start rounding up anyone who complains and start abusing the instruments of the state to arrest leading opponents against his programme of land grabs, damns and yet more plantations.

Alternatively, why not just get rid of Taib and his puppet Adenan?  It’s a ‘democracy’ after all!

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