That ‘Jewish Plot’ Again….

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Sri Gading Umno division chief Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi said Allah had ordered Islam’s believers to obey their leaders, but the Jews and whites were trying to thwart this.

“Allah says, obey Allah, your prophet and the leader who was given power among you. Our leader is Najib, that is why I am defending him.

“But if those below us do not want to listen to the leader, they prefer to listen to the Jews, the whites, WSJ, and Sarawak Report, what will happen to the Muslim race?

“The Muslims will be destroyed,” he said during his division’s annual general meeting at Parit Raja, Johor, today.

Aziz, who is also deputy transport minister, urged Malays not to fall for the trap set by Jews and whites through the “lies” published in London-based Sarawak Report and New-York based WSJ.

“We want to ask, what is the purpose of the Jews and the whites from London and New York, who are defaming our leader?

“I am confident their purpose is to destroy the Muslim race, the Malay race in Malaysia.”

He said the Western media was also in cahoots with opposition party DAP to steal power from the Malays.

“Don’t be trapped by the Western media. They have their motives, they are working with DAP to defeat us in the 14th general election.

Mr Aziz should tell us why Malaysia proclaims itself as a democracy and why it has elections?

Surely such things make Allah very cross, according to his teachings?

After all, if everyone’s religious duty is just to obey whoever is their leader (no matter how they achieved that position) and no one should question them in any way, then elections must represent an utter impertinence.

Mr Aziz has a rather skewered view meanwhile of Malaysia’s position in the perceptions of the rest of the world.  While most people in Israel and elsewhere have sadly not even heard of Malays, Aziz seems to be under the impression that there is a global plot to undermine them.

The reasons for this dastardly conspiracy are yet to be unexplained by Aziz. Why should ‘Jews’ be paying ‘orang putih’ Sarawak Report to undermine Malays in particular – haven’t they got other more pressing issues?

And how could Sarawak Report’s articles have any impact if they were all untruths?

It is of course Najib who has undermined his own government by taking actions that he is finding impossible to justify now they have been found out and proved.

And it is in fact Najib who has been hiring so-called ‘Jewish’ bankers, who have relieved Malaysia of some shockingly high fees to perform some highly dubious transactions on his behalf.

Mr Aziz disgraces decent Malays by his narrow, racist rantings and that strong majority of decent Malays should take no notice of such little Hitlers.

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