Those In Glass Longhouses Ought Not Throw Stones

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A Sarawak BN leader has lamented the state DAP’s continued efforts to link the state government to Putrajaya’s scandals such as 1MDB.

Parti Bumiputera Bersatu Sarawak (PBB) information chief Peter Minos said it’s not fair to paint Sarawak BN as guilty by association.

“Take a longhouse – if the tuai rumah (leader) makes errors or mistakes or goes against the laws, it is not right or fair to blame everyone in that longhouse or chase them out,” Minos told Malaysiakini.

He was responding to Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen who said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has now become the opposition’s main “campaigner” in the upcoming state polls due to the 1MDB scandals and the goods and services tax (GST).

Minos said those were purely “KL issues”, and DAP should not blame Sarawak BN for it.

Similarly, he said, Sarawak BN would not blame DAP for the scandal surrounding Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s bungalow.

It is amusing that BN leaders have suddenly discovered their moral outrage over corruption, now that they think they have something with which to accuse the opposition.

This PBB information chief, whilst alluding to alleged improprieties in Penang, expects not to be associated with BN’s 1MDB global mega-scandal, which he readily admits is a case of corrupt practice by painting Najib as the equivalent of a law breaking longhouse chief!

However, it was 1MDB money that was secretly channelled to buy out Governor Taib Mahmud’s family company UBG for an overpriced and typical crony BN profit.

And, while the world looks on scandalised, it is Taib, his side-kick Adenan and their PBB party, who continue to keep the Prime Minister responsible for 1MDB in power with their solid support and vital parliamentary seats.

Indeed, Adenan has said he wants Najib to stay in power “forever”, thereby 100% endorsing the corruption of 1MDB and all the rest of BN’s current dirty practice.

It is therefore entirely right to tar PBB with the same brush as 1MDB, as would also be the case were longhouse members knowingly supporting and taking money from a corrupt, law-breaking headman.

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