Time To Arrest Arch Leaker AG Apani?

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Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commissioner (MACC) chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed will instruct for a police report to be filed against articles in the media citing information obtained from its personnel.

“Let me be very clear, if this is true, it will not be tolerated and action will be taken.

“Going forward, no statement by any individual should be represented by the media as the official position of MACC on these cases unless it has been released by MACC’s official strategic communication division upon my approval,” he said.

As Sarawak Report has demonstrated, the arch-leaker in all this business so far has been the Attorney General himself, who nonsensically waved a whole lot of documents before the cameras of the assembled press conference he himself held to try and get his boss Najib off the hook.

There for all to see were the details of a good chunk of the MACC investigation.

So the ferocious leak detectors from the Malaysian forces of law and order need go no further than the proven indiscretions of their own top man.

Then they can turn to investigating the real crimes around this scandal, which include multi-million ringgit theft and murder.

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