UMNO Plotter Admits Defeat

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BN and PAS have retracted their support for Dr Mahathir Mohamad, saying the latter wanted to form a unity government based on individuals, and not along party lines.

Umno secretary-general Annuar Musa says Mahathir’s plans also goes against the conditional support that they would not be cooperating with DAP.

“As such the support we gave to Mahathir to form a coalition without DAP, we are forced to take it back,” he says in a press conference at PWTC.

In such circumstances, he says, the BN and PAS MPs have informed the King that they want Parliament to be dissolved and for fresh elections to be held.

Having expressed bogus support for the prime minister who has been busy prosecuting their corrupt practices over the past two years, UMNO/PAS have again flipped against him.

It is confirmation they realise that their coup plan hasn’t worked.  So, gone are the crocodile tears over alleged treachery towards Mahathir by his own colleagues, the mask has been tossed away.

Yet, the wishful thinking of these desperados apparently continues. They have no right as a minority party to tell the palace to dissolve parliament and cause more chaos, when a majority government has rallied behind the prime minister.

Their mistake was to believe that Azmin Ali could bring Mahathir into their plot – it didn’t work.

The court cases will continue and Anwar Ibrahim remains the designated successor.

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