VVVVVVIP Treatment For Najib!!!!!

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If the RM2.6 billion political donation claim was fraudulent, the Saudi royal household should be enraged with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, according to a minister.

However, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, who is also BN strategic director, pointed out this was not the case. “By right Saudi royal household should be fuming mad with PM for accusing them of giving him money.

Yet PM is there now as their guest of honour,” he tweeted. By right Saudi royal household shld be fuming mad with PM for accusing them giving him money. Yet PM is there now as their guest of honor! — Abdul Rahman Dahlan (@mpkotabelud) March 3, 2016 Similarly, Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang tweeted:

“If PM lied on Saudi donation, then why Saudi royalty still give him VVIP treatment, plus reaffirming strong ties with our country?” “Saudi King didn’t deny explanation donation came from them. They also gave him VVIP treatment in his visit. Will WSJ report this?” he asked.

How unfortunate that that Saudis have not gone a step further and kindly made an official statement acknowledging the donation.

But then why should they, since it isn’t true?

It would certainly have been a turn up for the books if they had rudely snubbed a foreign Prime Minister, who has supported their policies and grovelled at every turn – and even sent military support and troops into their private battle against their neighbour.

So why would the Saudis get involved in Najib’s personal corruption problems – one way or the other?  Diplomatically he is one of the few leaders that is willing to sacrifice the lives of his countrymen to curry favour in their local war.

Has Najib agreed to send more Malaysian troops to fight in Yemen on the basis that this will prevent terrorism on the streets of Kuala Lumpur?

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