‘White Bitch Making Money Out Of Our Nation’s Troubles’

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newcomer, [1 Mar 2019 9:12 pm]:
No political arena in the world has been as juicy and cinematic as Malaysia over the past half decade

newcomer, [1 Mar 2019 9:22 pm]:
rewcastle is no angel either. it appears that her so called championing for investigative journalism cause can be bought at only few hundred thousand dollars

Hussein Hamid, [1 Mar 2019 9:26 pm]:
Let me add to that…Clare spent three days in Melbourne last year with me on something we were working together…and she told me that her Lawyers for the Hadi case in London, were working pro bono (for free)…so I wonder where the money that PAS is paying her will go to.

Hussein Hamid, [1 Mar 2019 9:28 pm]:
And on top of that ….she fucked me up on the project we were both working on…go to this link for more…“https://blog.steadyaku47.com/home/2018/03/12/clare-rewcastle-thief-liar-fraudster/”

And do not forget how disappointed she was that she was not able to do the film on 1MDB….and how upset she was when “Billion Dollar Whale” came out….as she claimed she was the sourced of the story…

Moral of the story….ask yourself why this white bitch would want to spend so much time writing about OUR country !!!

Mr Hamidi is a disappointed man, since he was hoping to make millions of dollars out of a half-baked set of leaked documents that he was trying to sell on behalf of an UMNO agent working for Najib on various scams before the last election.

He turned to Sarawak Report and made clear a number of times that “cold, hard cash comes first, my country second”.  After months of trying to persuade him otherwise Sarawak Report published what details there were without his required payment being made.

Sarawak Report has not made money out of Malaysia (until recent books sales) and its law firm is not ‘pro bono’ as alleged. The payment from Hadi does not fully cover the legal costs of defending the case brought by PAS. So, Mr Hamidi has no need to envy Sarawak Report, which has not earned enough to pay tax in a decade.

Meanwhile, he lives in a country governed by mainly “white” people, who have provided him with a nice subsidised state accommodation in central Melbourne and furthermore pay both him and his son a living wage from the state to take care of a disabled relative.

Sarawak Report suggests Mr Hamidi ought count his blessings in his old age rather than continuing to mistakenly envy others in pursuit of a tainted crock of gold.

Finally, to answer his question, Sarawak Report writes about the country he has personally abandoned because it cares about the oppressed peoples in Sarawak; the danger of mass deforestation and species extinction and about the effects of global corruption on all our futures.

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