Will Malays Buy Najib’s Chicken Feed?

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Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today launched the national level “Jimat Belanja Dapur” (Reducing grocery bills) programme implemented by the Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority.

He said the programme, which was similar to the “Jualan Sentuhan Rakyat” programme organised by the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry, benefited all strata of people nationwide by selling goods at cheaper prices compared to market prices.

“Under the JBD programme, there are 27 items sold with cheaper prices of between five and 20 percent compared to market prices, for example, cabbage that is normally sold at RM3.50 per kg in the market is sold at RM2, eggs per package of RM11 is sold at RM8.50 here.

“Even whole chicken is sold here for RM10, while the normal price is RM8 to RM9 per kg, we have many more items sold at cheap prices, and we hope more people get this benefit,” he said when launching the JBD programme in Pekan today.

Sarawak Report confirms that it is absolute FAKE NEWS to suggest that Najib Razak is going round markets offering cheap chickens because he is about to call an election.  After all, that would be a clear admission that he thinks Malay voters are cheaply bought.

More seriously, he appears to think that Malaysia’s armed forces are even more easily hoodwinked.  After all, the Prime Minister is about to force one of Malaysia’s bravest opposition leaders into jail for resisting an illegal attempt to make an Auditor General’s report an official secret.

The ‘secret’ released by Rafizi Ramli related to the Prime Minister/Finance Minister’s multi-million ringgit shennanigans to bail out 1MDB at the expense of the armed services pension fund.  Owing to the scandalous scam, which Najib wanted kept quiet, army pensioners were receiving payments late.

Yet up pops the Prime Minister at an army function this week, together with top generals, to lecture the troops that they must vote BN back in again, out of ‘gratitude’ for what ‘the government’ has done for them (men who have offered their lives to protect that very same government in return for a promised pension, amongst other things).

So, it is surely also FAKE NEWS to suggest that solidiers are more than likely motivated to punish Mr Najb, rather than thank him with their precious votes!

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