Happy New Year? – ‘Black Magic’ And Betrayal Engulf BN!

Sarawak Report has been made privy to extraordinary accusations of betrayal and ‘black magic’ from deep inside Taib Mahmud’s family-run regime, as deadly rivals square up to succeed the failing Chief Minister. Allies of brother-in-law, Adenan Satem, who is fighting a fatal heart disease, have confided that they believe his condition is the work of […]

Money Laundering? Questions In Australia for Taib’s Brother Onn – EXCLUSIVE!

Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud’s business-partner brother Onn has left some very awkward questions to be answered in Sydney, where his family lives in one of the city’s smartest houses, over-looking the harbour bridge. Documents obtained by Sarawak Report plainly show that Onn Mahmud has offered conflicting information to the Australian authorities, in order first to

We Missed Our Radio Free Sarawak!

The daily shortwave radio show Radio Free Sarawak has faced a number of mysterious disruptions over the past three weeks, prompting a deluge of calls and emails from listeners. The production team says that the massive response and widespread concern from its regular audience has given them the best indication yet of just how popular

Reuters Adds To the Questioning Over Taib’s Mad Dam Plans

The world’s top news agency has now added to the growing number of features questioning Taib Mahmud’s crazy idea to turn Sarawak into a vast ‘Industrial Park’, providing cheap electricity for the world’s dirtiest smelting industries. In its feature on the Murum Dam the recent Reuters article begins with the observation that at least 40

Top Australian Paper Details Taib’s Greed!

The growing international understanding of Taib’s style of corrupted and kleptocratic (thieving) government is reflected in an opinion piece published this week by Australia’s Canberra Times. The article criticises the “destruction of the Borneo Rainforests” and Taib’s “Great Leap Forward” plans for 12 mega-dams: “There is method in the madness. As critics repeatedly point out,

Taib Strikes Sarawak’s Oil At Last!

Almost exactly a year ago Sarawak Report alerted that Taib and his hand-in-glove timber crony Tiong Hiew King were moving in to lay hands on Sarawak’s oil and gas reserves. Now the announcement has been confirmed! RH Petrogas, which is owned by Tiong, has just snatched 80% of a joint venture with Petronas to exploit

Hydro Tasmania Is To QUIT Sarawak EXCLUSIVE!

Sarawak Report has learnt that campaigners can claim victory after statements yesterday by Hydro Tasmania boss, Roy Adair, pledging that the company is withdrawing from its guiding role over Taib’s mega-dam projects. Adair, who had till recently enthused over Hydro Tasmania’s partnership with Sarawak Energy’s programme of up to 50 dams to power Taib’s ambitious

“Economic Sabotage”!

Taib has descended from his pedestal to engage with critics of his ‘great leap forward’ plan to plonk 50 hydro-electric dams across Sarawak’s rivers. That is to say, he has raged at unnamed persons from his platform at the DUN, who dared to say that he might not have had such a good idea with

Clean Energy? Sarawak’s Dirty Dam Projects Set Up A Stink!

The people advising Sarawak Energy (SEB), in particular Australia’s Hydro Tasmania, have taken every opportunity to portray the dams planned for Sarawak as a ‘sustainable’ and ‘renewable’ energy source, without bad consequences like fossil fuel. Hydro Tasmania in fact frequently implies that dams are “carbon neutral” and has declared that the company itself will become

BN Bosses Fight Over NCR Landgrab! – EXCLUSIVE

NCR landowners in Sampadi have learnt the hard way how nothing can be trusted in the hands of BN, with party top dogs now fighting with each other to get hold of their lands. In July a group of 12 villagers from Kampung Gerunggang had decided to sell some of their NCR (Native Customary Rights)

Blockades In Sarawak And Direct Action In Tasmania – Facts Vs False Claims

The Taib family’s Australian company, Ta Ann Tasmania, is fuming because protestors held up their saw mills for some hours on Monday and again on Wednesday, by chaining themselves to the conveyor belts. Ta Ann’s spokesperson claimed that the world should be “outraged” and that the passive male and female protestors from the group Groundswell

More Condemnation Of Taib As WTK Is Labelled The Guilty Party In Record Log Jam

The UK’s top selling paper the Daily Mail has also taken up the recent report condemning HSBC for bank-rolling Taib’s greedy destruction of Sarawak’s rain forests. The NGO Global Witness has released a major analysis showing how the bank, which claims to apply ‘green’ principles to its lending criteria, has nevertheless provided lending to such

So Who Is Taib Calling Liar?

Last year Mahmud made a big fuss, calling Sarawak Report liars for drawing attention to the fact that he has destroyed nearly all of Sarawak’s rainforest. We had said that less than 5% of the primary jungle remains and even that is now being cut down. But the Chief Minister went on record to deny it

Happy Families? Taib Gets A Public Kicking From Ragad!

Earlier this month, Friday 12th October, onlookers in the Wisma Bapa Malaysia in Kuching were treated to an astonishing scene. The elderly Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud and his very young wife Ragad indulged in a public row in the foyer of his office building. Ragad had apparently turned up at the building and demanded to

International Solidarity Builds Behind The Murum Penan

As the Penan people of Murum enter the fourth week of their blockade against the Murum Dam, local and international NGOs have rallied to their support. On Friday protestors, surrounded by news reporters, gathered outside Hydro-Tasmania’s impressive tower block headquarters in Hobart to demand that the company cease its lucrative partnership programme with Sarawak Energy.[click

We Are Still Here – Stop Lying That Our Issues Are Settled!

Taib’s BN Ministers have been going blue in the face, complaining “instigators” are behind the Murum blockade and saying that all is now settled with the Penan at Murum dam. Top side kick and very unaccountably wealthy Planning Minister, Awang Tenga has been leading the attack alleging that the community are now happy with the

“No Element Of Corruption”? – BN’s Ridiculous Claim!

Faced with overwhelming evidence and a criminal enquiry in Switzerland, BN have started admitting to its involvement in the Michael Chia money trafficking scandal linked to Musa Aman, the Chief Minister of Sabah. Musa had previously claimed he had: “no business associations whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia” However his friend and political ally Mohd

Stop Lying – We Are Still Here!

Penan blockaders, who have brought construction on the Murum Dam to a standstill over the past ten days, have reacted with outrage at the news that their assemblyman, BN’s Liwan Lagang, has been telling the media that a settlement has been reached. In response they have instead tightened and extended the blockade to another approach

Misled! How Hydro-Tasmania Played Down Its “Essential” Role In SCORE! – EXCLUSIVE

Hydro-Tasmania’s tantrums over the recent Dateline Australia film ‘Last Fontier’ have been exposed as entirely misleading. A report by Sarawak Energy Bhd has detailed how, contrary to denials, the dam-building company is engaged in a leading ‘co-development’ and ‘partnership’ role in the implementation of Taib’s devastating plans for the so-called Sarawak Corridor of Energy (SCORE). These

BN Promotes ‘Malay Spring’ Scare!

Chandra Muzaffar, Chairman of the 1 Malaysia Foundation and a leading BN ‘thinker’, has leapt onto the front pages of the news issuing dire warnings of ‘foreign plots’ to destabilise the government and indeed ‘global security’! In the process he has astoundingly associated BN with a whole slew of slimy dictators, whom peoples across the

Al Jazeera TV Picks Up On Sarawak’s Dam Disaster

Sarawak’s dam builders are learning how hard it is to stem a leak. The truth about Taib’s monstrous plans and their terrible impact on the people and the environment was finally revealed in a film by Australia’s Dateline programme, Last Frontier. Ever since that film was broadcast a couple of weeks ago the big players

USD15 Billion! – Taib Is The Richest Man In Malaysia

He is the man who cashed-in an entire jungle of valuable hard timber. He is also the man who controls all the land titles for an area roughly the size of England, a position which he has systematically abused to enrich himself. Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud, is furthermore the gate-keeper for all the state

Sabah Trip Goes Tits Up!

A story about topless sunbathing has dominated international coverage of the William and Kate Sabah trip. It means the destruction of the jungle of Borneo, caused by corruption in Malaysia’s highest political circles, has been ignored in favour of a lot of fuss about a ‘Peeping Tom’ photographer. One person who will be relieved is

UK Press Reports “Diplomatic Row” Over William & Kate’s Sabah Visit

Britain’s major newspaper, the Daily Mail, has described the planned visit by the royal couple, Prince William and Kate, to Sabah as “the first diplomatic row of their fledgeling royal careers” today. The reason? Because the person waiting in Sabah to greet them on Friday is Chief Minister Musa Aman, now “implicated in a criminal

Business Brawn Over Business Brain – Bully-Boy Tactics In Tasmania

A recent Dateline Australia programme, Last Frontier, addressed some issues of indisputable public interest and concern in both Tasmania and Sarawak. It examined policies in those countries that will affect the lives of tens of thousands of people and destroy some of the world’s remaining forest ecosystems. In short Dateline investigated the plans to flood

Governed By Gangsters! – More Outrage In Melikin

This weekend in Melikin police stood by and watched as a bulldozer destroyed the public bridge that had been built by the state to give access to the local people. It was an act of revenge by loggers, who are angry that these people have been trying to protect their Native Customary Lands from being

Royal Blunder! – William And Kate Are Set To Meet Musa In Sabah!

Today’s confirmation by the Office of the Attorney General in Switzerland that it has opened a criminal investigation against the banking group UBS, over suspected money-laundering on behalf of Musa Aman, looks set to cause an awkward diplomatic upset for the UK. After all, the royal couple Wills and Kate are right now packing their bags

Taib Caves In Over Bakun’s Refugees – But Who Can Trust BN?

Following the expose on Australia’s Dateline programme last week, Taib’s state government has at last agreed to fulfil its own promises made to the people of Sungai Asap more than ten years ago. Land Development Minister, James Masing has now announced that these refugees are entitled to the homes into which they were forcibly moved

Malaysia’s Poison Blogger Exposed In The US!

The dirty blogger behind numerous websites commissioned by BN to defame Anwar Ibrahim and also Sarawak Report, has now been sacked as a commentator in the US by the prestigious Guardian Newspaper. The Guardian cited our exposes of Josh Trevino as evidence of his unsuitability as a writer in their statement confirming his dismissal last night.

Hydro-Tasmania’s Roy Adair Provokes Ridicule!

Hydro-Tasmania hit the airwaves in Australia yesterday, in order to defend their involvement with Taib Mahmud’s schemes to flood Sarawak and destroy its major rivers with twelve new unwanted dams. Roy Adair, the Chief Executive Officer of the state-owned company, sought to play down the company’s involvement in Taib’s insane master plan [..]

Sarawak Makes A Date On Australian TV

Australia’s longest-running and highly prestigious TV current affairs programme, Dateline, has just devoted a full half hour show to the problems of logging in Sarawak and to Taib Mahmud’s crazy plan to build 12 more dams in the state Their veteran reporter, David O’Shea, spent days filming in Sarawak and interviewing people who had been

Gangster State!

Five campaigners from Melikin in Balai Ringen were arrested last week after false accusations were made against them by a plantation company. They were later released without charge. We can reveal that the owners of the companies that are grabbing their land are two of Taib Mahmud’s top Ministers!

Action Heroes!

The people who have been taking action against injustice are changing the mood in Sarawak at a faster and faster pace. Their courage and determination are sweeping away the history of the last decades of destruction[..]

Taib Grabs Yet More Billions Out Of Sarawak’s Destruction!

Australia’s support for Taib Mahmud’s SCORE project is becoming ever more deeply questionable, as the corruption surrounding every project in which it has sought to be involved gets plainer by the day. The message should be coming through clear by now.  If you do business with Taib Mahmud’s Sarawak then you are immersing yourself in

What A Little Bird Told Us – Time For Change?

The Chief Minister is well known for his obsession with black magic and omens, despite his proclaimed Muslim faith, which bans both. Sinister black birds are known to been allowed to hop freely around his home in Damak Jaya, spooking guests. The basement is packed with shrines and bomoh artefacts, all part of Taib’s attempt

Sime Darby’s Greenwash Scandal!

Sime Darby is Malaysia’s largest company and the world’s largest palm oil conglomerate. It is predominately owned and controlled by the Malaysian Government. So, maybe little surprise that it is enmeshed in corruption, as laid bare by the arrest and charges against its former Chief Executive this week over the misappropriation of millions of ringgit.

HSBC’s Money-Laundering Scandal – Time To Probe The Musa Connection!

As HSBC’s Global Head of Compliance resigned in disgrace yesterday, acknowledging the bank had turned a blind eye to a staggering $38 trillian dollars of suspect transactions, thoughts in Sabah will have returned to the financial affairs of their Chief Minister, Musa Aman. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) report into timber kickbacks (a case described

Mystery of Masing’s Million Ringgit Mansion

The huge homes belonging to Taib Mahmud’s political allies is one of the unanswered and glaring issues in Sarawak. How come so many ministers and YBs, who started on their political careers with no wealth at all, have ended up living in such style, when the salaries for public office are quite rightly modest? There

What Justice For The Victims Of Sarawak’s Timber Gangs?

Fear of gangsters is widespread in Sarawak and with good reason.  These are the operators outside the law who enforce the greedy land grabs and logging concessions handed out by Taib to his cronies. By using gangsters, Taib and his business partners avoid being directly implicated and can pretend to have nothing to do with

Democracy Versus Rigged Elections In Sarawak!

Many of the world’s worst dictators try to claim legitimacy through the ballot box, so that they can proudly claim that they are voted time and again into office by their ‘loving’ people. In fact, they cheat. Taib is one of these and probably the only person he is fooling is himself. The methods Taib

Justice Versus The Law In Sarawak

All human beings can understand justice. Where there is injustice it is up to our law-makers to legislate to prevent it and then for our courts to uphold those laws. But in Sarawak, where growing numbers of poor communities are being forced to desperate measures to save their lands and livelihoods, we often see the courts

Pushed To ‘War’ – Ibans Threaten Traditional Combat Against The Curse Of Sarawak’s Cruel Evictions

Tens of thousands of families are being forced from their homes by Taib’s fanatical dam projects across the state.However, there is another equally devastating piece-meal process of eviction going on, as plantation companies continue to bully the longhouse folk from their native lands. As the Ibans of Rumah Niah dress for ‘war’, have Taib’s land grabbers pushed too far this time?

Najib’s Deadly Words Threaten Disaster For Musa Aman!

Make no mistake, the authors of written parliamentary answers in response to awkward questions choose their words with utmost care.  Najib is no different. MP Chua Tian Chang had enquired of the Prime Minister what had happened to the Anti-Corruption Commission investigation into major money-laundering by the Sabah resident Michael Chia, who is a known

Sarawak’s Construction YBs Notch Up Another Mega-Corruption Project!

Another mega-corruption project has just been awarded to Sarawak’s ‘Construction YBs’. Sarawak Report has frequently exposed how a large number of elected YBs have become directors and shareholders of construction companies, which then benefit to the tune of millions of ringgit from public contracts handed to them by their political boss, the Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud.

Don’t Mention Dengue Fever Outbreak – It Might Spoil My Party! EXCLUSIVE

We have learnt that hospital staff in Lawas were instructed by the local YB, Awang Tenggah (Taib’s favoured side-kick), to keep quiet about an outbreak of Dengue Fever last month. The extraordinary intervention occurred at an emergency meeting at the hospital during the week before the Lawas Festival, after several cases had been reported in

Papa Orang Utan Makes Contact With RFS

DJ Peter John Jaban has now made contact with his colleagues at RFS.  He called early today and admitted to running away, because he feared he would be hurt if he was questioned by the police. “I can come to a police station with my lawyer, provided the police are not rough with me” he

Papa Orang Utan – Police Search

Police now say they are searching for Peter John Jaban, the Radio Free Sarawak presenter, following concerns about his disappearance. However, colleagues are now coming to the conclusion that Peter John, known as Papa Orang Utan to listeners, has most likely hidden himself voluntarily after becoming scared after being detained at KK airport.  Today the station

Papa Orang Utan On The Run?

The team at Radio Free Sarawak have still to receive any news of their presenter Peter John Jaban, who went off the radar yesterday, shortly after arriving in Miri. He had texted and telephoned from the airport in Kota Kinabalu that he had been detained by the authorities while boarding a morning flight to Sarawak.

Shortly before Peter was taken from his car by 3 unknown men to an unknown destination

What’s Happened To Papa Orang Utan?!

“We just hope it is the police and not Taib’s people”, one of Peter’s friends observed today. It was a comment that sums up the mistrust and fear in Sarawak. The truth is that this afternoon no one can be sure what has happened to Peter John Jaban, known as Papa Orang Utan by listeners of

Stand Up For Your Rights – A Win For Sebangan!

Today the Iban communities of Sebangan are celebrating yet another victory against Taib and the BN government of Sarawak. These people own the rights to one of the last remaining areas of un-destroyed rainforest in the region north of Kuching. However, Taib’s greedy sister Raziah could not bear to think of those trees still left

BN’s Brat Pack Boys – Snowdan Lawan

The UK has changed government 11 times since the date that Malaysia was given independence and in the same period France has had 20 Prime Ministers. However, during that entire 55 years UMNO/BN has grasped onto power, while at the same time calling Malaysia a democracy. The result has been predictable.  The few families in

Election Date – Key Indicators

Speculation has dragged on for months about when Najib is going to summon up courage and call an election. Many believed it would be today, Monday, with a polling day for June 9th. But, surely even Najib Razak’s pricey foreign PR teams would hardly suggest launching an election campaign from the other side of the

“They Put Me At Risk” – Xenophon Sues!

The Australian Senator Nick Xenophon has confirmed to Sarawak Report that he fully intends to sue the New Straits Times, despite the newspaper’s grovelling apologies yesterday. It means that Malaysia’s abuse and manipulation of the media has become an issue across three continents since the weekend, with the BBC and Al Jazeera also opening enquiries

Musa Aman And Taib Mahmud – Questions Raised In The Swiss Parliament

Malaysia’s attempts to cover up the scandal over the international money laundering of illegal timber money by Sabah’s Chief Minister, Musa Aman, is beginning to unravel. Following our release of several of the highly incriminating documents that have come into our possession relating to the case, a number of international bodies have started to take

Yes, We Cooperated With Hong Kong On Musa Aman Case – Acknowledge Swiss Authorities!

A statement from the Swiss Attorney General’s office, published today in a national newspaper, has added further dramatic proof to our evidence that Sabah’s Chief Minister, Musa Aman, has been under investigation over timber kickbacks worth at least US$90million. The Zurich-based Sunday weekly, Sonntagszeitung, was following up on our reports that the Hong Kong authorities had

How Corruption Filters Down – Dirty Deals At Sarawak Energy

As all Malaysia now knows, BN/UMNO’s grip on power relies on the continuing support of two corrupted Chief Ministers in East Malaysia. Both Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman are up to their eyes in money stolen from their people and from the destruction of their home states through unsustainable logging and oil palm plantation. Many

Sabah’s Smoking Gun! Bank Statements Show That Musa Aman’s Sons Accessed Dirty Money – National Exclusive!

Documents leaked from a Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) enquiry have provided devastating evidence of the Sabah Chief Minister, Musa Aman’s, personal involvement in a massive timber kickback scandal, which insiders say has been subject to a high level political cover-up. Aman has always denied that he was linked to allegations surrounding the Sabah timber trader

Malaysian Foreign Minister Named In MACC Investigation Into Sabah Timber Corruption – NATIONAL EXPOSE!

According to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) documents obtained by Sarawak Report, Malaysia’s Foreign Minister, Anifar Aman, has been the secret beneficiary of lucrative timber licences in Sabah’s dwindling Forest Reserves. The concessions came thanks to his brother, the local Chief Minister, Musa Aman. The documents form part of a major investigation by the MACC into

Fun With Pictures!

Today Sarawak Report has decided to take a respite from investigative activity and to allow some pictures to speak for themselves. In a recent statement, the Taib-owned timber company, Ta Ann, has sought to refute concerns that it is responsible for environmental degeneration and human exploitation in Sarawak. It has also accused Radio Free Sarawak

Backing Out Of Bakun – Rio Tinto Pulls Out!

The question marks over Taib’s pet mega-project, the billion dollar Bakun Dam, have just multiplied into a full-blown crisis for the so-called ‘CEO of Sarawak’. The global mining company, Rio Tinto Alcan, has just announced that it is pulling out of the much-touted aluminium smelter venture, SALCO [..]

BN YB Roland Sagah’s ‘Cottage Industry’ – Expose!

Outraged readers of Sarawak Report have been queuing up to dish the dirt on BN’s Dirty Datuks over the past few days. We have received widespread information about corrupted practices from insiders, who are clearly sickened by the greedy YBs, who have been cheating their constituents for decades. And it seems that many of those

Roads To Riches – Richard Riot MP, EXPOSE!

We can demonstrate that Malaysia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, the BN/SUPP MP for Serian Richard Riot, has also been involved in the disgusting practice of profiting out of projects meant for his own constituency. In this case a RM9.3million ringgit road building project has been awarded to a company he controls through his son, Akjaemura Jaya

Sarawak’s ‘Super Datins’ – Datin Daud

Women in the West are given to grumbling about the ‘glass ceiling’ that prevents even the most qualified and hard-working females from getting top management jobs and directorships. However, their Sarawak sisters seem to have no such difficulties – as long as they are Datins that is. The ‘Super Datins’ of Sarawak seem to achieve

Lihan Jok’s ‘Gifts From God’

Former BN State Assemblyman, Lihan Jok, famously lectured his constituents that the Baram Dam was “a gift from God”. But, who does Lihan Jok mean by God? The Baram Dam is a man made project and it will destroy some of the last remaining areas of untouched beauty on God’s Earth. So, by ‘God’ was

More For Jabu, Fadillah Yusof and Abit Joo !

Over the past few days we have exposed some of the corrupt hand outs that have benefitted BN’s Dirty Datuks. But, once someone has embarked on cheating their people to get rich, they don’t stop. They keep looking for more. So, we now present some more of the corrupt sources of income [..]


Over recent days, PRS leader James Masing has attempted to defend the indefensible regarding his political persecution of a disabled man and his admission that he and his deputy sought kickbacks for NCR lands, taken for plantations. So, we await his excuses over our latest information[..]

Tasmanians Target Ta Ann’s Hamed Sepawi

The highly effective campaign to prevent Taib’s family company Ta Ann from destroying Tasmania, like Sarawak, is making Pinocchios out of politicians there! Last week the state’s Deputy Premier, Bryan Green, was subjected to national humiliation when he became the top story on Australia’s ABC news for supporting the company’s claims [..]

DEPRAVED DATUKS – New Shocking Evidence Against Mong & Masing!

The BN Agriculture Minister, Mong Dagang, who demanded a disabled man be deprived of his RM300 a month support and the PRS leader, James Masing, who supported his action, have both been caught seeking illegal kickbacks for themselves worth ten of millions!

They were making the money out of NCR land defrauded from their own constituents in the same area!

Deputy CM’s Company Nets HALF A BILLION In Contracts – Major Expose!

Over the past week we have exposed how public contracts amounting to RM100million were gifted to two companies belonging to two of Taib’s key BN allies.
However, the largesse corruptly handed out to to the immediate family of Deputy Chief Minister, Alfred Jabu and their politically connected colleagues has dwarfed such sums.

BN’s Dirty Datuks and Wealthy YBs – Tiong Thai King

Earlier this week we exposed how Baram’s Federal MP, Jacob Sagan, was secretly bought by a series of timber concessions and construction contracts, worth hundreds of millions of ringgit, into supporting Taib’s proposals to flood his own region with a new monster dam project. However, Sagan is just one of an army of Dirty Datuks

Bought By Belian! Baram’s Betrayal By BN MP – MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

The people of Baram have been sold down their own river by their native MP, the Federal Deputy Trade & Industry Minister Jacob Sagan!

Sarawak Report has received exclusive information, indicating that the local man’s support for Taib’s plans to flood his own area has been bought by two large timber concessions[..]

Taib SCOREs Again!

As the Ukit people perch pitifully on the edge of the waters that drowned their homes, Taib Mahmud has moved swiftly to maximise his own personal profit from the Bakun Dam. A series of astonishing deals are now being processed, all designed to ensure that his own family companies get enormous kickbacks [..]

Progress and Development?

These are the scenes they have been trying to hide, by setting up an exclusion zone to prevent NGOs and journalists from entering the region behind the Bakun Dam. However, Bruno Manser Fund workers have managed to breech that barrier in order to get exclusive pictures of the devastation behind the dam, which has now

Zunar Takes His Campaign To The UK!

The crowds passing through ‘Malaysia’s Speakers’ Corner’ on Trafalgar Square had the pleasure of watching cartoons being created live this weekend, as the ‘notorious’ Zunar took his campaign to London.[..]

Damned Corrupted! – Time To Ask Questions Of The Foreign Interests Supporting Taib

Campaigns on opposite sides of the globe are focusing attention on Sarawak today – and on those foreign companies that have been tempted to do business with the corrupted government of Taib Mahmud. In Switzerland the Bruno Manser Fund launches its stop www.stop-corruption-dams.org, in coordination with an international coalition of NGOs who are protesting at Taib Mahmud’s

BBC Apology Vindicates Sarawak Report, So What About Bakun?

BN mouthpieces, such as the Borneo Post, have been working hard to discredit the integrity of Sarawak Report and all our investigations into the corruption behind the destruction of the Borneo Rainforest and its peoples. They refer to mysterious “hidden agendas” and have quoted accusations that we are producing “baseless and mischievous” information resting on

Golf At The Sarawak Club – Serious Foul Play!

With Taib insisting he can only scrape together a miserable RM3.47million to alleviate all the hard core rural poverty in the state, it fairly beggars belief that he has felt it appropriate to generously donate land worth at least RM30million to the members of the Sarawak Club. The Sarawak Club comprises all the richest people

Eye Of The Needle – Ibrahim Mahmud

One very old adage is that you can’t bring your material wealth into the next world. Plenty of ancient cultures hoped otherwise, packing fabulous riches into the tombs and pyramids of greedy past rulers. But it was the tomb raiders who had the last laugh on them. More recent sufferers from excessive greed have invested

Hii Family Connection to Asia Plywood And Taib Family

Industry insiders have revealed that the main suppliers of timber to the cheating Asia Plywood Company, are the well-known Sarawak tycoons, the Miri-based Hii family. Asia Plywood, which rents the major saw mill ‘Tegas Kesuma’, based in Tanjung Manis, is Malaysia’s largest plywood company. Earlier this week it was caught out deceiving regulators and customers

Sarawak Timber Scandal Hits UK – Expose!

Two of Britain’s top chain stores have been caught out deceiving their customers over ‘eco-friendly’ wood by our latest Sarawak expose, which has also been taken up by the leading UK paper, the Daily Mail. We can demonstrate that B & Q and Wickes, which both specialise in selling building and decorating materials, have been

UK Conservative Spokesman Made Video Promos for Sime Darby!

The Conservative Party’s ex-Environment Spokesman, Bill Wiggin, agreed to play a starring role in videos promoting Sime Darby, after enjoying a luxury trip to Malaysia sponsored by the company. The palm oil giant, headed by former Deputy PM Musa Hitam, has been exposed as a major client of FBC Media, the disgraced British public relations

Taib Retreats Into The World Of Make-Believe

The Chief Minister is not used to criticism and stamps like an angry child in the face of it. This is a great weakness, because it means that wrongs are not put right and fawning publicity can make him a laughing stock. This week his Press Secretary, Amin Sahmat, got into a terrible twist trying to explain the cancelling of the once regular post-cabinet press conferences, as reported in the Borneo Post.[..]

Taib’s Landgrabs – The Breakdown

Bruno Manser Fund’s research team have done the world another favour. They have conducted a careful and painstaking analysis of the leaked Land & Survey Department information…we can now see clearly the extraordinary extent of the theft carried out by the Chief Minister and his family of Sarawak’s native and state-owned lands[..]

Taib Drops His Libel Case – Happy New Year!

So, the threats and bluster have come to naught. What a non-surprise! Taib Mahmud launched his libel case against Malaysiakini way back in 2008, thundering from the State Assembly that the evidence that his brother’s company had accepted kickbacks from Japanese shipping companies seeking licences to export Sarawak’s timber was “lies” [..]

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