Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

New State Visit?

Arch thief Najib is, it appears, on a long state visit to India. The term state visit is, of course, misused here as often. The Head of State, the Agong, is the only person who can make State visits outside Malaysia and the five day tour by the criminal Najib is a mere “official” visit. […]

Smoke and Mirrors

Arch thief Najib’s latest gimmick, designed to draw attention away from his and UMNO’s mega thefts from 1 MDB and other public money, is to pretend that his air force “clandestinely” rescued Malaysians from N.Korea! What a joke! Did he really think that Malaysians would believe that a poorly disguised RMAF flight could land in

Interfering Statement?

Like a puffed up bullfrog, which he curiously resembles, IGP Khalid was busy yesterday blowing his own trumpet. Any statement from him, he announced to anyone who would listen, could upset the Government’s plan about the murder of N.Korean dictator’s half brother, on Malaysian soil. If Putrajaya has a plan, apart from how to rob

Jail Them And Forget Them

The proposal by arch crook Najib’s running dog Zahid to extend SOSMA speaks volumes about BN. This home grown version of the colonial detention without trial laws is not only totally undemocratic but entirely unnecessary. What dangers to the security of the State can Zahid point to to justify detention without trial? BN already have

Islamic State?

The Constitution, the supreme law of Malaysia, makes it crystal clear that while Islam is the official religion of the State other religions may be practised freely and without hindrance. Nothing less would have been acceptable to the East Malaysia States in 1963 and that remains the case today. So the, politically inspired, attempt by


Former Minister of Finance Tengku Razaleigh is today quoted as saying that the Malaysian government “under the leadership of Najib Razak” is managing Malaysia well. As we get older we all may make ill-advised public statements but it is better to be sure of one’s facts before making a statement of any kind. Has the

Self Misdirection

Is not something that one expects from a former Chief Justice but we all grow older and, at times, forgetful. So we can excuse it if ex-Chief justice Fairul makes a constitutional slip. After all he is no longer on the Bench and his obiter are irrelevant. Nevertheless his errors cannot, and have not, passed

Tarnished the Image?

This is what mega crook Najib Razak said in his speech at a Police ceremony. He had the insolence to claim in public that criticism of the PDRM “tarnished its image”. Well he should know all about tarnishing images given the mega tarnishing he has done of Malaysia’s image both inside the country and internationally.

Big lies, bigger lies and yet more mega lies

BN lying reached a near all-time low recently when Rahman Dahlan accused the “Opposition” (he did not name them) of “lying” What a show of stupidity! Who does he think will believe him? The “rakyat” to whom he referred are not so stupid or ill-informed as he hopes. There is a proverb which applies to

Global Transformation Two

The forum just held in KL under the Global Transformation title came up with some absurdities; partly financed by the Malaysian taxpayer. Not least was the statement by Idris Jala that KL will rival Davos in importance as a global meeting place. Clearly as under-informed as most of his government colleagues he seems to be

Shared Interest?

Malaysian press reports indicate that there was a recent meeting between US Secretary of State Tillerson and Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah “to discuss matters of mutual interest” It is understandable that Mr. Tillerson, a man with no previous diplomatic experience, might agree to meet the Foreign Minister of another country. Much less understandable is how

Not On The Verge Of Bankruptcy

  This claim about Malaysia was made by arch thief Najib Razak while speaking about the national economy. Who said it was? It is on the verge of national disintegration because of the massive breaches of the law committed by Najib and his supporters (bought and paid for with taxpayers money) That is the real

Global Transformation?

Press reports from Malaysia show that an event with this pretentious title is being held in Kuala Lumpur. The World Bank, no less, is apparently represented at this Forum by its Senior Vice President, no less, one Dr. Paul Romer. Admittedly Washington is a long way from Kuala Lumpur but the US Department of Justice

In Another World?

The question Is simple enough. Is 2nd. Finance Minister Johari living in another world or is he just another crook like his First Finance Minister Najib Razak? It has to be one or the other based on his recent statements, in Parliament and elsewhere, about 1MDB. Does he really think the Auditor General’s Report on

I Spy

Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan has announced that Malaysia “does not have enough spies” He did not go on to explain why this is so nor did he disclose details of how much taxpayers money is spent each year on what he himself described as an inadequate security service. Too secret one is to suppose?

Politicising Scandal

Whatever next? Calling the Prime Minister a thief. The Attorney General a stupid booby. It really is too bad of the opposition to point out criminal practice to the public. That seems to be the view of the Johor Mentri Besar. Why? As MB he ought to be glad when wrongdoing in his area of

Fair Words

Now let’s see the performance. The new Sarawak CM told members of his State Assembly that a sum of RM5 million a year would be allocated to each assembly person to fund development projects in their respective constituencies. Presumably that will include those held by opposition parties even if that causes a shudder in the

Minister of Defence?

  In a statement about N.Korea Minister of Defence Hishammudin stated that there was no fear of war between N. Korea and Malaysia since “he would be the first to hear” about it! Actually he would share that auditory experience with most of Malaysia as a N. Korean H bomb exploded over the country¨   It

Nasty Vindictive Small Man (and wife)

The application by PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim to be allowed physical contact with his visitors was refused by a petty Judge who should know better and who was, very possibly hewing to the Najib line that every last humiliation be heaped on the man whose wrongful conviction for sodomy he procured by conspiracy and gross

How Low Can They Go?

The distance to the bottom remains a matter for speculation so far as the Malaysian government of mega thief Najib Razak is concerned. Certainly mega theft is Ok with them so long as they are doing it. Lawyers in cement barrels also seem to be acceptable and murderous members of the police force posted as

Sold A Pup?

The recent announcement that Sarawak will buy the whole interest in the Bakun Dam from the Federal Government raises some interesting questions. The entire history of the dam, from its inception, has been clouded by allegations of financial impropriety and administrative incompetence. A project involving the destruction of a large part of the Sarawak primeval

Lies, Bigger Lies and Parliamentary Statements

As all Malaysians know their government is incapable of giving honest answers when, occasionally, Parliament is in session and Ministers are theoretically open to question. A perfect example of this is the way in which a question to the Defence Ministry about Malaysian armed forces in Yemen was “unanswered”, Asked about the presence of Malaysian

A Dirty Deal

London, and the money laundering prevention authorities there, have a great deal of hard work to do if they want to convince Britons that the prevention of corruption and the theft of billions are objectives rather than no nos. A report in the London newspaper the Guardian, details the dirty and criminal manoeuvring that went

A Breath Of Sanity In A Criminal’s World

For so long as many can remember criminal politicians have worked with bent lawyers and corrupt police commanders to cover up the mega crimes of UMNO President Najib Razak and his accomplices. To that end legislators and public servants have been bribed and/or intimidated into silence over the crime wave of the century, perpetrated by

Silly Salleh

Communications Minister in arch thief Najib’s “government” Salleh recently treated the people of Sabah to a series of statements the absurdity of which was exceeded only by the pompous peacocking of the speaker. Some choice examples. Sabahans must vote BN which had brought them prosperity! Unless he meant to confine that definition to the handful

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