Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

In God We Trust

The official motto of the USA and by a curious coincidence today, Inauguration Day, sees reports about a Court in New Zealand giving permission to a group of Malaysia thieves to sack the trustees charged with hiding their thefts and replace them with more pliant ones. The thieves in question, Jho Low and members of […]

Impossible Insult

A Malaysian lady is to face trial next month on a charge of “insulting PM Najib”. Far from being tried she should be receiving nation-wide plaudits for having achieved the impossible. Just how does anyone insult a mega crook like Najib who has stolen billions, destroyed Malaysia’s international image and turned the country into a

Absurd and Absolutely False

Najib’s own words when accused of selling off Malaysia to Beijing. Everyone knows that Najib is a total stranger to the truth (on every subject) so his statement quoted above can be taken to mean that he HAS sold off Malaysia. Not from any pro-communist ideology but simply because he had to find money to

Is This A Dagger That I See Before Me?

So finally Lady Rosmah Macbeth emerges from the shadows. Not just an overweight spendthrift with an equally overweight ego BUT Lady Eric Tan. Those who have, with reason, thought Najib to be too stupid to have mounted the 1MDB scams can now see that, as always, the figure behind him, manipulating all the strings, is


Press reports that a three day “anti-corruption” conference, attended by nearly 700 government employed lawyers was just held at the Attorney General’s chambers. Some might wonder if the Government needs so many lawyers (who as all know don’t come cheap) but questions of that order pale into insignificance when reports appear in the Press about

There is a Tide in the affairs of Men

As so often, the Bard hit the nail on the head. Today the tide is in for both Sarawak and Sabah. Both deprived of all but a pitifully small share in their natural resource wealth they have seen Putrajaya suck up all the rest. While there might have been some arguments in favour of that

Cosying up to China

Arch thief Najib having sold out his country to Beijing it is logical that some of his running dogs should try to expand the new sale of Malaysia to China. Even if that may be a hard sell in the kampongs and with new UMNO ally PAS. In any case, hard on the heels of

Naked Liar Exposed

Having, together with accomplice, and smarter half Jho Low, stolen billions from 1MDB Najib has the bare impudence to go on claiming that 1MDB was repaid the money it received from the original 2009 theft (with interest)! Naturally he does not, and cannot, offer any proof of this and if he re-reads the Report of

Monopoly Money

In remarks as notable for their chutzpah as for their stupidity Malaysian arch criminal PM Najib Razak announced that Malaysia’s currency, the ringgit, would recover in 2017. Whatever gave him that idea, apart of course the hope that ordinary Malaysians might be deceived into thinking that their money will cease to disappear down the plughole this

Value For (Chinese) Money?

Speaking openly Malaysian minister Salleh said that China is on the march and that it’s money had to be accepted. As an UMNO Minister he can be taken as an authority on accepting money but his premise is as absurd as it is dishonest. Of course Najib’s bought supporters, of whom Salleh is one, will

Why Jailing Najib Is Important

Of course putting the mega thief Najib in jail is important to the people of Malaysia. To do it underpins the rule of law. To fail to do it validates the law of the jackal; scavenging where it can and from whom it can. But there are larger issues in this 1MDB affair. Wherever one

Joke Guesstimate.

According to what have in the past proved reliable sources the London FCO are of the opinion that Malaysian Prime Minister, and global criminal, Najib Razak cannot lose a general election if he calls one sometime this year. One would have thought that after a recent past in which the Labour party were “bound to

Fire Alarm?

Now that the festive season is over and politicians and bureaucrats return to work is anyone in Washington or London going to notice that Beijing has bought Malaysia, and with it control of the Malacca Strait? Not important you think? Then you don’t know much about the volume of trade that passes through daily or

Just One Or All?

Perhaps the most disturbing thing about the 1MDB/East Coast Railway/SRC and related scandals is not so much that the Prime Minister is the leading criminal in all these criminal activities but that he is a Malay and is receiving continuing support from the exclusively Malay political party he presides over, UMNO. This has far greater

Work Harder?

According to Press reports an elderly gentleman, apparently the number two in the PDRM has announced that the Police will “work harder” in 2017. Malaysians can take comfort from that promise so that at least the country’s police force will do something, as opposed to doing virtually nothing this year. For example a mega criminal


Since mega crook Najib Razak appointed a new Chairman of Malaysia’s National Bank, Bank Negara the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, has continued to slide against real money, such as the US dollar. Sometimes slowly, sometimes precipitously but slide none the less. When national currencies slide there is almost always a political reason. After the Bank


Has been the preferred method of ostentation since Roman times, and probably before. That in no way reduces the essential vulgarity of the practice but does serve the useful purpose of identifying those from whose company one should run a mile. Not least because some of the world`s mega yacht owners/users are also among the

Truth dragged out, screaming

Fortunately for the British public the Freedom of Information Act has not yet been repealed by politicians anxious to conceal the truth and to cover up the commission of crime. Thus an UK national daily has been able to extract from the UK Government an admission that the UK High Commission in Malaysia had queried


This description, originally coined about the poet Byron, applies with even greater force to the dictator Najib in Malaysia. Take it part by part. Mad. Who but a lunatic would steal billions of taxpayers’ money with the help of a retarded overweight Chinese crook and expect to get away with it? If he thought that

Wise Words From A Malay Ruler

The Sultan of Perak is reported as having criticised corruption and other financial crime ïn high places.” His Highness need not have been so circumspect in his criticism. All Malaysia knows that this was a reference to Prime Minister Najib and his corrupt supporters in UMNO The Ruler went on, correctly, to say that corruption

Corruption. Cancer on Humanity.

What has happened, and continues to happen, in Malaysia is the appearance of a disease capable of destroying organised society. Not cancer, not the H bomb, but corruption. Lust for money and the power that large amounts of money can buy. It is, of course, a worldwide phenomenon, from the exactions of African warlords to

Helping hand, controlling hand.

So the thieves of 1MDB are hoping that China will buy them out of the bankruptcy of 1MDB; caused by their thefts from it. How ironic that Najib, basher of local Chinese, should now be taking money from China. Even more ironic that he claims that he will soon call a general election in a

Letter To A Malay Voter

Selamat pagi Tuan, You are a Malay. You have always voted for UMNO. Because it is the party of the Malays? Because the Malay community is in majority in Malaysia and UMNO has always told you that it represents the interests of the Malay community? That may well have been the truth in the past

Achilles Heel

Many Malaysians, too many, assume that because the mega thief Najib stole the last general election that he is the legitimate Prime Minister. He is NOT. As he stole billions of dollars from ordinary Malaysians he also stole the authority that has allowed him, so far, to get away with his crimes. Now, it seems,

First Crack In The Dam

Appeals to senior police officers to remember the law and do their duty to arrest Najib have, so far, not resulted in positive action, though it is no secret that this is a matter regularly discussed at Bukit Aman immediately below the level of the IGP. The public will welcome the action of the former

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