Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

An Elegant Exit.

Royalty must always be seen to have acted with propriety and in strict accordance with protocol or law. Malaysian Royalty is no exception and when it comes to lancing a boil on the body public propriety must be the order of the day. The first such boil calling for action comes in the shape of […]

IGP Khalid threatens Najib and friends,

Speaking to Malaysians in general, and without specifying any exceptions, this comic imitation of a Police Chief warned that “many more may be arrested over foreign funds” Specifically he mentioned Bersih and Empower as having received funding from the Open Society Foundation which is based in the United States; though he was not able to

IGP Khalid Threatens Najib and Friends,

  Speaking to Malaysians in general, and without specifying any exceptions, this comic imitation of a Police Chief warned that “many more may be arrested over foreign funds” Specifically he mentioned Bersih and Empower as having received funding from the Open Society Foundation which is based in the United States; though he was not able

Coup de Grace?

Only a week or two ago Thief in Chief Najib was in Beijing posturing about a loan which, he claimed, would enable Malaysia to build an East Coast railway line. He failed to add that the loan so kindly to be granted by the CPG was for more than twice the highest projected cost of

Security Offence?

The Najib dictatorship hits another bump in the road to totalitarian rule. It has abandoned its ludicrous attempt to imprison Maria Chin, Bersih leader, under its equally ludicrous Security Offences (Special Measure) law, when faced by an Habeas Corpus application. In a way that climb down is significant in that even in the Malaysia of

Stink of Corruption

Proverbially the remedy is to hold the nose while looking steadfastly the other way. These skills have long been mastered in official London and its attitude to Malaysia, and its master criminal Prime Minister Najib Razak, obeys faithfully these parameters. To anyone puzzled as to why this attitude persists in the face of overwhelming evidence

Op-Ed: The Malaysian Ringgit – The disappearing currency by Pascal Najadi

International Observers and Investors alike are waking up to the fact that Dictatorship and total absence of Justice will bring down the Malaysian Ringgit into its obliteration.  Zimbabwe is perhaps the best live example out there. “The regime is surviving by printing money, at this stage there is no other way.” said Martin Rupiya, professor

A conspiracy of silence?

  People in Malaysia are hard put to understand why the world’s news media, written and broadcast, have found little or nothing to say about what is, unquestionably, the biggest financial fraud of our times; and perhaps all times. That is, of course, the pillaging of the Malaysian State fund 1MDB and other public monies.

Nazi Najib

Furious at his failure to suppress the Bersih demonstration and at the failure of his personal Gestapo, headed by Malaysia’s own Himmler, IGP Khalid, to get blood running in the streets of KL, Malaysia’s Fuhrer, Najib Razak, has resorted to the coward’s route. The Bersih leader Maria Chin who, with her supporters, once again proved

Goebbels Is Alive And Living In K

All those who believed that Nazi propaganda chef Josef G died at the end of WW2 were astonished to learn that while his body may be dead his legacy lives on in Najib’s Malaysia. Facts, it seems, do not matter. It is a fact that a former UMNO personality described the Attorney General in unflattering


You are, for the moment, Prime Minister of Malaysia and therefore bear ultimate responsibility for what the Malaysian government does. That includes civil and criminal responsibility for the massive thefts from 1MDB, SRC and, so far unrevealed, thefts from other public funds. No serious observer of events can have any doubt that you are criminally

Academic Beggars

Oxford. City of dreaming spires or of greedy and ignorant academics? The evidence this week leans to the latter. The University, having accepted about thirteen million pounds from Malaysia to pay for its new “Centre for Islamic Studies” is now preparing to receive the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, representing the giver of so many

Greed. American style

Much has been made by the outgoing democratic administration in Washington of the Trans Pacific Partnership or TPP. In reality, despite the hype, this agreement delivers most if not all Pacific area trade and investment into US control. The charitable might assume that its real purpose is to block Chinese expansionism into this area but

Bangkok stitch up.

Recent research shows that last year an apparently senior Thai police chief (a CID Colonel) announced publicly that Swiss national Xavier Justo had been arrested on his patch and that British police officers had arrived to interrogate him about offences allegedly committed in London. What he did NOT say was that no such officers had

Subverting Parliamentary democracy?

The latest idiocy of the IGP is to form “a special team” to investigate what he claims, ludicrously, are attempts by a Malaysian news portal to subvert parliamentary democracy. Apart from the obvious idiocy of this effort has it occurred to constable Khalid that if attempts to subvert democracy are occurring the most blatant of

The Chinese are not stupid

They just know that Najib is and are taking advantage of that fact. No surprise there. After all China is a country notorious for massive corruption. It always has been since the time of the Emperors and nothing has changed in that respect since. So seeing an opportunity to fleece a crook vastly less clever

Pascal Najadi – Open Letter to Malaysia’s MP’s

During a closed session on Wednesday October 26th 2016 in the forum titled  “Corruption and Governance Challenge in Malaysia” hosted by the University Observatory on Security of the University of Geneva, Switzerland, I spoke to honorable delegates from Switzerland, Malaysia and other nations. We exchanged information and compared notes about the repetitive failures of Justice,

Cutting the Gordian knot.

To very many ordinary Malaysian citizens the problem with the 1MDB scandal is how to resolve it when the criminal Najib controls the levers f power. The solution is in fact a very simple matter. Senior officers of the PDRM, who are all sworn to uphold the law without fear or favour must now show

What Goes On; Or Does Not?

It is now months since the US Department of Justice released the results of its investigation into the 1MDB scandal showing that the Prime Minister of Malaysia, and many others, had converted huge sums of money from the Malaysian Government fund to their personal use. In addition to that a criminal complaint is pending against

Working visit?!

When two of the world’s most unpleasant and criminal dictators get together the term working visit takes on a whole new meaning. Clearly Mugabe has stolen vast sums both from settlers and his own tribespeople so his advice on doing that may be useful to Najib. Though in all probability Najib has stolen more. Any

To act or not to act.

Or to paraphrase Shakespeare is this an embarrassment I see before me? Dr, Mahathir’s statement on his interview with the Agong has major public interest not only concerning arch criminal Najib Razak and the Agong’s refusal to act against him but also from the viewpoint of the Constitution; Malaysia’s fundamental law. The inaction of the

Gerrymandering in Malaysia

If the now obscure Irish politician Gerry Mander were still alive he would have to bow down before Najib Razak who has developed electoral malpractice to a level that Gerry would never have dared to attempt. Fiddling with electoral boundaries is a criminal activity just like stealing billions of public funds so it is no

Big Fleas Have Little Fleas

Which ride on their backs to bite them and little fleas have smaller fleas and so ad infinitum. This is certainly true of Malaysia where the biggest fleas, Najib and his ministers and toady officials cannot prevent criminality further down the line; even if they wanted to. A good example of this is the recent,

Sleeping Sickness hits the Yard?

Such outbreaks are rare in temperate climates but there must be some explanation for the total inaction by the Met. in the case of the London based company PetroSaudi. And at least sickness is an affliction to which one can succumb without blame. Unlike failure to do one’s duty or failing to see a major

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