Speakers' Corner

Occasional contributions from readers, which do not necessarily reflect the views of Sarawak Report but may be published at the discretion of the site

Now It’s Over

And maybe the fat lady has learned that each time she opens her mouth she puts her foot in it. After all her publicity that she and Permata would get an UNESCO award for their alleged good work with Malaysian kids the UN body sussed her out and dropped the notion of honouring Permata. So […]

It’s Not Over Until The Fat Lady Sings; Once Again!

The UN, probably the most bloated and inefficient organisation in the world, contains a “cultural” division which rejoices in the acronym of UNESCO. This body is world famous for inefficiency and ignorance, but its latest boob is to honour Rosmah Mansor, wife and accomplice of mega criminal Najib Razak, Malaysia’s Prime Minister. A closer look

You Can Buy The Thais, Bragged PetroSaudi

One for sure; others possibly. Have taken bribes from mega thief Najib Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia, to block the release of falsely accused and falsely convicted Swiss national, Xavier Justo under an inter-governmental agreement between Thailand and Switzerland regarding the return to the country of origin of nationals convicted in the other jurisdiction to

Thief And Election Rigger

Najib`s intention, recently disclosed, to call a general election early next year is the first time that he personally has admitted his guilt over his mega thefts of public funds. He now admits that there is no way out of his situation than to rig yet another election and hope that time will blur his

Time For A Change?

Malaysia’s constitution has, of course, been extensively tinkered with, largely to weaken safeguards, but its essential feature as a system for a constitutional monarchy remains intact. So far. Constitution continues to contain, among other safeguards, a vital power enabling the Agong to dismiss Parliament and so cause fresh elections to be held. This power, significantly, is

The Plot Thickens

All criminals worry about betrayal by their fellows for material gain and or immunity from prosecution. The criminal Najib clique are no exception and there are increasing signs that some of his closest (and most involved) criminal supporters are beginning to have doubts about the wisdom of continuing to support him. As the proverb has

Dealing With Criminals

Conventionally this is the task of the police and the prosecuting authorities. However when these are both corrupt and directly personally involved in crime other methods have to be used. This is the present position in Malaysia. The Chief of Police is a corrupt lapdog of the mega criminal Prime Minister. The Attorney General, who

The Return Of Sanity?

The cliché that a picture is worth a thousand words was proved correct once again with the appearance of a photograph of former Malaysian PM Mahathir shaking hands with unjustly jailed PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim in a Malaysian courtroom. That they have buried the hatchet is good. That they should bury it in the skull

Not Just A Disgrace To The PDRM But A Major Crook?

Khalid Abu Bakar’s latest public comments on why the 1MDB mega scandal remains un-investigated by the PDRM validate what Assemblyman Tony Pua had to say about him. Except that Pua was too kind. Khalidis not just a disgrace to the Police Force and to Malaysia but is also a major criminal and accomplice of Malaysian

Four Wise Monkeys

See nothing. Say nothing. Hear nothing. Do nothing. In the City if London these maxims seem to strike a note of approval. If you can’t see, speak, or hear the solution is to do nothing. If this is thought to be too critical an assessment pause for a moment to consider the firm PetroSaudi. Anyone

Don’t Touch My Money

As a “good European” former Chancellor George Osborne, now relegated to the backbenches, sprang to the aid of the HSBC when the US authorities were considering prosecuting that bank for financial “irregularities” That there were such irregularities seems pretty well proved by the Bank’s agreement to pay a billion pound plus fine for engaging in

It Isn’t Over Till The Fat Lady Sings

While the title is not original it fits very well with the current Malaysian scene. All Malaysia knows who pulls Najib’s strings and without whom he would probably have remained a small time grafter, taking bribes here, there and anywhere they were on offer. So it is appropriate to recognise who is the evil genius

Is Fraud Now Spelt With A P?

Alphabetical nonsense but in real life? In recent decades British governments have gone along with all manner of crooks and tyrants on the excuse that if we don’t sell to them others will. Morality trumped, as usual, by commerce. Fortunately for those afflicted with this sort of blindness the overseas crook sometimes comes unstuck. If

A Disgrace To The Legal Profession?

While the Benchers of the Inns of Court rightly concern themselves with monitoring the professional conduct of barristers appearing before the British Courts they also have a responsibility to review the professional conduct of those of their members who, having been called in London, return to their countries of origin there to practice law. One

Bored By Fraud?

A few years ago posing such a question about policing and justice generally in the United Kingdom might have been seen as eccentric. Not any more. Fraud, once the preserve of the London Police forces and then passed to the “Serious Fraud Office” now seems to have been transmogrified into a non-offence. At least, if

Dumb or Bum?

The recent public statements made by Malaysia’s top copper oblige onlookers to ask the question posed in the title to this piece. Weeks after the US DOJ expose of MO1 and his sidekick Jho Low, the Malaysian police are about to spring into action. They will even send officers abroad to investigate. That will make

No Confidence

  In an interesting comment posted on Speakers Corner a correspondent suggests that Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan could order Sarawak Members of Parliament to support a motion of “no confidence” in the Najib regime. The object? To force Najib to grant “autonomy” to Sarawak. He might have added the Sabah CM to the list but

Royal Or Loyal?

For weeks now, since Najib was publicly proved to be a mega thief and entirely unsuitable to be Prime Minister of Malaysia, the public have waited patiently for the King to act. He has the constitutional power to do so. He has also a clear public duty as Head of State to respect the Constitution.

UMNO Twaddle

Two of arch thief Najib’s “Ministers” have been treating anyone who would listen to them to lectures about how “good Malaysians”, or more practically “good Malays” should react to the enormous financial scandals that PM Najib has created. Good Malays, it seems, should not listen to anyone on these subjects. Except of course the arch


Anyone, and there are millions of them both in and outside Malaysia, who has heard the sordid story of the mega thief Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak. might well feel sorry for the Malaysian people. To be publicly humiliated by the exposure of the head of one’s government as a common thief, would upset

My Party Right Or Wrong?

This is the question that all Malaysian Malays must ask themselves. When it was just a matter of rumour or gossip any Malay UMNO supporter was justified in dismissing talk of Party corruption as rumour or black propaganda. That is not something they could or would do if a fellow Malay was convicted in Court

Najadi Urges Malaysian Income Tax Revolt

Malaysians and indeed the entire world have observed the initiated lawsuit by the American DoJ against several 1MDB & the Malaysian Government Official1. The MalaysianOffficial1 has been mentioned more than 30 times in this document produced by the American DoJ. Us all, all Malaysians and all other citizens of various nations around the globe had

Partners In Crime

The latest news from crimeville, better known as Kuala Lumpur, is that the boss criminal, known to many as Najib Razak, is beginning to have doubts about his right hand man in Scumno, the slippery Zahid. Well founded doubts probably since Inche Z does not bother to conceal his ambition to grab the top job

Democracy or Dictatorship

The Constitution of Malaysia could not be clearer. Malaysia is a democratic State with a monarch as Head of State. The system is almost identical with the English model on which it was based. With one very important difference. In England the Monarch must act on the advice of the Prime Minister and can dissolve

Najib Inspired by Erdogan…..

And the reason why the Swiss National Day, August 1st 2016, will be a disaster for democracy in Malaysia and at the same time it might be the ultimate  win for Kleptocracy in the same nation. A disgrace, but it is stark reality.  ​All Malaysian Citizens of all walks of life represent the Sovereign of Malaysia. The Citizens of

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