Najib Should Stop Appropriating Religion For Political Ends

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Najib said this meant that working together was not an option but compulsory for all Muslims to follow.

“Hold fast to the rope of Allah and not to any other ropes.

“Therefore I, on behalf of my kabilah (Umno) and Tuan Guru (Abdul Hadi Awang) who represents his kabilah, let’s hold fast to the meaning of this verse,” he said.

Najib’s offer today comes after he extended an olive branch to PAS at the Umno annual general assembly last week.

Meanwhile, Najib expressed confidence that Malaysia would not be like that of countries in the Middle East, where Muslims fight each other.

“Although Islam prioritises unity, Islam also celebrates differences in opinion, what more if they are related to worldly matters,” he said.

Last seen Najib Razak was a political leader (with a none too holy record and reputation) yet now he speaks as a religious authority?

How unsurprising that his ‘religious dictums’ constantly focus on demanding political support for himself!

Muslims can certainly pull together on the tenets of their faith, but since when did that include supporting one political party over another?

Najib keeps barking that Muslims need to obey their masters in order to be faithful to their religion.

He should remember, therefore, that the people are his masters and stop trying to bully them by abusing the Quran in this way.

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