Gopi’s Police Network – More Shocking Connections Identified From Gangster Suspect’s Call List MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Report demonstrated last month that the IGP himself, his son and his brother in law had all been in regular contact with the arrested suspected gangster ‘Gopi’, along with several of his top cops. Khalid admitted the information was true but he has refuted concerns about the connection, threatening Sarawak Report he could not answer for its safety if the Editor came to KL …..

The Latest From Najib’s Comical Alis

Najib’s ministerial supporters have been running around presenting conflicting and ludicrous, but very entertaining arguments to deny the undeniable from the DOJ. Perhaps the 251 page US court document was just too packed with evidence and detail for them to comprehend, whereas those simple cheques from Najib made for much easier understanding ……

The Comical Alis Of UMNO – Commentary

Malaysians are entitled to come to their own conclusions about who is bringing them ‘fake news’, as their government comes under fire. Is it the DOJ with its meticulous year-long investigation into criminal money laundering or is it Najib’s set of comedians presenting unsubtantiated claims and ever-changing explanations about ‘political plots’ and ‘billion dollar donors’ ……..

The Balloon Goes Up On 1MDB – Leo’s Paintings, Rosie’s Diamonds, Jho Low’s Yacht and Miranda Kerr’s Jewels Snatched By The Feds!

The US Department of Justice’s latest asset seizure notice presents a devastating picture of how Malaysia’s record kleptocrats wallowed in their stolen riches, pampering themselves and their jet-set friends with luxuries and jewels. Also, the 251 page document provides detailed and shocking new insights into the conduct of the world’s largest and most complex kleptocracy case. HOW LONG CAN NAJIB PRETEND THERE WAS NO WRONGDOING?!

More Spies Set On SR?

This time it would appear that Jho Low may have engaged top London corporate investigators to probe into SR on the pretence of seeking to hire us to write a report…….

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