“Breaking The Monopoly Of Jews In Hollywood”! EXPOSE

As the fall-out continues from our previous expose into Najib’s step-son’s foray into the movie industry, along with a house buying spree in the United States, friends of Riza Aziz are rushing to his support. However, their comments so far are likely only to make things worse….

Wall Street Greed / Malaysian Money – EXPOSE!

The wife of the PM, Rosmah Mansor, is apparently advocating that every Malaysian school child should be shown the newly released Leonardo di Caprio film, The Wolf of Wall Street, in order to warn them against greed and immorality.

Has Taib Crossed A Line?

Hundreds rallied in different cities across Sarawak this week to mark International Human Rights Day. The show of colour and the peaceful nature of the protest were both very typical. But, if strongman Taib Mahmud still bothers about what his people think, it should have worried him.

‘Indu Pemadu Kaya’ Di Kanada Jamilah Taib Digagai Pengarang Berita Ti Enda Dipinta

Sebengkah suratberita besindir ti tebilang di menua Kanada diatu udah mujur ngeluarka cherita-cherita ti nyelai pasal ‘indu pemadu kaya’ di Kanada, Jamilah Taib. Suratberita Frank ti tebilang mansutka mayuh leman berita bechura ngelantangka ati tang bisa nya enda ngelaungka cherita bekaul enggau anak indu Kepala Menteri, Jamilah Taib, enggau laki iya Sean Murray. Enggau cherita

Canada’s ‘RICHEST WOMAN’ Jamilah Taib Gets Unwelcome Local Press

A popular Canadian satirical magazine has set its sights on Canada’s ‘richest woman’, Jamilah Taib. Frank Magazine is known for its scathing, if light-hearted, tone and it does not spare the Chief Minister’s daughter and her Canadian husband Sean Murray. In particular, it examines the evidence that their wealth is based on Taib’s plundering of

Anang Ngemulaka Temuai Ari London!

Kimpin dagang temuai ti benung diatur di London dikena narit bala temuai ke Malaysia. Tang dalam kandang beberapa bulan ti deka datai tu Sarawak Report deka nunjukka semua pengamat ti tau ngasuh tekenyit ati bekaul enggau kimpin bula tu. Gambar ti dikena Malaysia dalam kimpin dagang temuai nya, dipilih enggau naka bejimat dikena narit temuai

Don’t Con London Tourists!

A major advertising campaign is getting underway to entice British tourists to Malaysia. But, over the coming months Sarawak Report will be pointing out that it is a shocking con. Because, it is luring tourists with false images of the Borneo Jungle!


Ya, Taib Mahmud diatu ringat bendar ketegal raban bansa Penan ti bebendar ngetanka pengidup sida enggau chara minta bayar pampas ke pengerusak rumah enggau pengidup sida. Iya udah ngerusak kampung sida lalu ngampuhka genturung pendiau sida, lalu udah nya ngentapka pendiau sida ba endur ti puang, kebun dandang besai sawit ti enda dikereja agi, bebatu-batu


Taib Mahmud is genuinely outraged that the Penan want to secure their future with a proper compensation for the destruction of their homes and livelihoods. Yet we can demonstrate the shocking disparity between his wealth and theirs….

Skandal ‘Rumah Modular’ Ngemaluka Kompeni CMS

Tanya Lumur 2 bekaul enggau asil projek Rumah Modular sida, kompeni Cahya Mata Sarawak Berhad (CMS) ulih meri saut ti nadai besiping. Nyadika saut ngagai tanya “Nama jamin ti diberi CMS ngagai bala orang ti meli rumah modular kita tu?” Sida CMS madahka “Penan ba tukuh rumah tu dijamin enggau penuh lalu bala orang ti

‘Modular Housing’ Scandal Brings Shame On CMS

Question No 2 in the Frequently Asked Questions guide about their Modular Housing by Cayha Mata Sarawak Berhad (CMS) has an unequivocal reply. In response to “What guarantees are given to the customer?” it answers “The structural integrity of the system is fully guaranteed and customers are furnished with a ten (10) year warranty”. Such claims

Greedy Geneids Grabbing Again – EXCLUSIVE!

Once again local people in Sarawak have been forced to come out and protest against a greedy and un-regulated land grab. Once again a place of great natural beauty and enormous scientific importance is under threat. And once again it is the greedy Taib family who are behind the raid on one of Sarawak’s most

DIBUAI! Tanda Pengingat Rajah Brooke Ditejuka Merekah Ba Tugung Uras

Pendiau ti nadai ngembuan basa ti ngasuh ati mayuh orang tekenyit ngagai sebuah tanda pengingat penuh cherita lama menua di Sarawak udah tebantai, ti endur sebuah tanda pengingat beregang Rajah Brooke, ti udah dichabut ari penuduk asal iya ba luar Astana gabenor Sarawak, lalu udah nya diengkahka ba tugung uras. Tanda regang nya udah lama

Pengirau Ati Orang Kristian Sarawak & Sabah Disara Dalam Parlimen UK

Ba ujung minggu tu tadi sebuah opis pekara pengarap Islam perintah, Jakim, ti bejalaika atur sida ari luar Opis Menteri Besai, udah ngeluarka arah awakka semua mesjid di menua Malaysia ngutuk “kuasa-kuasa liberal” dalam internet, ti udah dituduh sida nguji ngelemika raban orang Islam. Sarawak ti nyadika sebengkah menua meri ungkus belanja ti besai lebih

Sarawak & Sabah’s Christian Concern Raised In UK Parliament

This weekend the government religious department, Jakim, which operates out of the Prime Minister’s own office, issued a sermon to be read in all mosques condemning “liberal forces” on the internet, which it alleged were plotting to undermine Islam. Sarawak contributes a major proportion of the cost of this bloated Prime Minister’s Department and it

Dayaks Pay For Sarawak’s Education, But How Do They Benefit?

The term ‘Dayak’ has been pronounced a non-word by state ordinance, on the basis that the tribal people of Sarawak should no longer be encouraged to think of themselves as a nation, but only as groups to be divided and ruled. Yet, how else to collectively describe the native people, who are surrendering up their

Kita Arapka Mata Enggau Pending Kita Tauka SEB?

Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) udah mantaika penerang dalam aum Gerempung Bansa (UN) di Geneva ba bulan nyin kemari, seraya sida nempik dada diri empu becheritaka pasal atur pengentap pendiau baru ke raban bansa Penan, udah bekau sida mejal raban bansa asal nya pansut ari menua asal sida ketegal meri awak ngagai pengawa ngaga tekat ti

Do You Believe Your Eyes And Ears Or SEB?

Sarawak Energy made a great presentation to the United Nations in Geneva last month, boasting about their plans to resettle the Penan, after forcing them from their homeland in Murum to make way for the latest controversial dam project. It seemed they were going to be moved from a deprived existence (true, especially since Taib

Torstein Patut Minta Ampun Ari Raban Bansa Penan!

Kena 7hb Sebelas nyin kemari kepala Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) bebansa Norway udah bejimat maya mansutka jaku tuduh iya ba bansa Penan ti ngibun empang jalai sida nuju ke tapak Tekat Murum, enggau cara ngansak kami awakka ngemasukka jaku komen iya dalam laman kami tu. Nengah emel iya ngagai gerempung NGO Switzerland Bruno Manser Fund

Torstein Should Apologise To Penan!

On November 7th, the Norwegian head of Sarawak Energy took great care to make his accusations against the Penan tribespeople at the Murum Dam blockade as public as possible, by insisting on broadcasting them in full on our site. In an email to the Swiss NGO BMF, which he copied into our comments section, he

The Story Sarawak’s Journalists Didn’t Get Hits Europe

The story that the Sarawak’s Journalist Association did not get when they were taken on their Sarawak Energy (SEB) sponsored tour of Murum is appearing prominently in European papers this weekend. France’s top Paper, Le Monde features the Murum native blockade (which the Sarawak journalists called abandoned) in a long article about the destruction caused

Pengawa Nangkap Sekeda Raban Bansa Penan Di Murum Dipelalaika!

Serak tu kami nadai nerima sebarang gambar bekaul enggau pengawa nangkap sekeda bansa Penan ba empang jalai ti diibun sida di Murum, udah bekau dua iku nembiak lelaki ti nguji ngambi gambar ba endur nya udah ditangkap seraban polis ti ngemataka empang sida nya. Siku ari bala orang ti kena tangkap polis nya nembiak lelaki

Penanggul Di Murum Majak “Balat”

Sarawak Report bisi nerima mayuh berita madahka pasal pengerembai penanggul ti majak balat nyadi ba empang jalai nuju tapak tekat Murum, ti diatu benung dikemataka dalam pengelama beberapa minggu tu ulih raban bansa Penan ti dipejal pindah ninggalka menua asal sida laban paras ai majak niki. Bisi kira-kira seratus iku lelaki, indu enggau nembiak mit

Blackout On Murum Arrests!

We have no pictures of today’s arrest of Penan natives at the Murum Dam blockade, because two boys trying to take photographs were themselves arrested for recording the event. The youngest, Tingang Lingok, is believed to be around 13 years old. The two teenagers are now among 8 Penan who have been jailed at the police

Sarawak Energy Ninggalka Baram! (Belama-lama Iya)

Dalam kandang seminggu tu berita bisi madahka Sarawak Energy udah ditemu ninggalka tapak ngaga Tekat Baram. Tang empang jalai ti dikemata bala orang bansa asal, agi benung betan dikena nagang kompeni enggi perintah menua pulai baru ngagai tapak ngaga tekat Baram nya. Pemansang berita nya udah ngelai pemenang ke orang bansa asal, ti balat bendar

Murum Stand-Off Now “Critical”

  Sarawak Report has received news of a critical development in the Murum Dam blockade, which has now been maintained for several weeks by Penan tribespeople forced from their homes by rising waters Around a hundred of the men, women and children have broken away from the original site, where they were being penned in

Ministers Ordered Police To Free Crony Gangsters – EXCLUSIVE!

  Sarawak Report can reveal that four head gangsters, who were caught after the discovery of an enormous illegal arms cache at the disputed logging and plantation concessions at Melikin, were freed by police on instructions from ministers! Since their release there has been a further series of vicious attacks on local people, whom the

Sarawak Energy Retreats From Baram! (For Now)

Over the past few days news has come through from both of the main Baram Dam construction sites that Sarawak Energy (SEB) has beaten a retreat. However, the local blockades, which are being manned by surrounding communities, remain in place to ward off further moves by the state owned company to re-start the dam building

Sarawak Energy Boss Shuns NGO Dialogue In Geneva

Nick Wright, Sarawak Energy’s Australian Vice-President in charge of Resettlement, Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Consultation, made a surprise appearance in Geneva this week. It turned out that his mission was to present a highly sanitised report to the United Nations, praising his company’s treatment of the natives affected by the state’s mega-dam plans. The

Resettlement Chaos – Outrage Grows Over Murum Natives

It has emerged that many of the families forced from their longhouses at Murum have found there is no replacement housing for them after all, in the half-built resettlement areas they have been bundled into by Sarawak Energy. Visitors last week spoke to families in Tegulang, all of whom had been given supposed vouchers for

Sada Nyawa Ari Murum

Datuk Torstein Dale Sjotveit ari kompeni besai Sarawak Energy Berhad enggau seraban bala tuan iya dalam Perintah Menua Sarawak udah nuduh pengawa orang ti mantah projek tekat Murum nya, kenu ku iya, diasut sekeda raban NGO ari luar ti beniat deka ngayanka raban orang bansa asal nya nyadika orang ti numbuhka pengachau di endur nya.

Voices From Murum

Sarawak Energy’s Datuk Torstein Dale Sjotveit and his bosses in the Sarawak State Government have alleged that the anti-Murum Dam blockaders are being incited by NGOs and have painted a picture of trouble-making locals. In fact, there has been very little genuine news or information from the distant and isolated dam site, which has been

Penetap Runding Menua Norway Ngemaluka Bala Rakyat Sida di Sarawak

Sekali agi wang turu orang penchen Norway untuk meresa baru semua dagang di menua Sarawak lalu ngeluarka dua buah kompeni ari rintai nama kompeni enggau bedagang, iya nya dua buah kompeni ti bisi bekaul enggau Kepala Menteri Sarawak Abdul Taib Mahmud. Udah bekau wang turu nya muai kompeni Samling Global laban ditemu ngerusak kampung enggau

Norway’s Ethical Stance Shames Its Citizens In Sarawak

Once again Norway’s massive public pension fund has reviewed its investments in Sarawak and blacklisted two more unethical companies, both closely linked to Chief Minister Taib Mahmud. Having vetoed Samling Global because of its destructive and illegal practices back in 2010, the so-called ‘Oil Fund’, which is the world’s largest institutional investor, has now produced detailed

Pehin Sri Berundingka ‘Bala Peturun Iya’

Taib Mahmud sekali agi bisi ditemu numbuhka sebuah kompeni dagang di menua Sarawak, taja pan iya kala udah didinga bebula berita ari mensia mayuh ti madahka iya bisi ngereja pengawa dagang, lalu nambah ke nya kompeni nya diberi nama ngangkatka pangkat iya empu. Nama kompeni Pehin Sri Heritage Sdn Bhd bisi disebut dalam rintai nama

Hari Tindak Sedunya – Nyukung Sarawak Mantah Projek Tekat Ai!

Ba ujung minggu tu raban orang ti rinduka rampa menua sereta bebasaka kuasa pengelantang mensia di Sarawak enggau Malaysia udah sama sereta ngepunka sebengkah kempen meri pemereti ati ngagai dunya ngagai penanggul pengangat dunya. Sida numpuka pengirau ati sida ngagai langgur “gila” Taib ti ngepunka projek-projek tekat besai di Sarawak. Dalam sebengkah jaku penerang ti

Perati Mensia Mayuh Diatu Tunga Ke Melikin – Baka Ni Pengasar Raban Apek Bayat Enggau Pengawa Politik Udah Besenutuk Di Menua Sarawak …

Taib Mahmud bisi didinga besebana madahka menua Sarawak diatu benung diperatika raban pengarang berita udah bekau menua nya lama udah dalam ‘pengabur’. Tang, enggau pengabur nya lalu enda direpotka dalam sebarang media ti dikuasa iya, pengasar bala apek bayat udah ditejuka nyadi-senyadi dikena ngeruga tauka beduan bala orang bansa asal di menua iya empu nya.

Pehin Sri Considers His ‘Heritage’

So, Taib Mahmud has yet another business in Sarawak, despite all his protests to the contrary, and it is even named after him. Pehin Sri Heritage Sdn Bhd has featured on a list of 49 Malaysian companies identified in court by his former daughter in law Shanaz Taib, who is seeking a financial settlement from

Global Day Of Action – Support Sarawak Against Dam Destruction!

This weekend campaigners in Sarawak and Malaysia signal the start of a month of international awareness action about the global warming crisis. They are focusing their concern on the “insane” mega dams policy of Sarawak. In a statement, supported by numerous Malaysian NGOs, the group have lambasted Taib’s ill-conceived and outdated policy of building of up to

Spotlight On Melikin – How Gangsterism And Politics Mix In Sarawak..

Taib Mahmud has complained that Sarawak is in the ‘media spotlight’ after years of ‘obscurity’. But, thanks to that obscurity and his own media blackout, gangsterism has been allowed to flourish unreported against the native people of the state. For years these organised thugs have waged systematic violence against rural communities, in order to enforce the

Perati Orang Dituju Tunga Ke Murum …

Ba ujung minggu nyin kemari Taib Mahmud udah ngereduas ketegal ‘pekara ti nyadi udah dikemesai-kemesaika’ di menua Sarawak ti udah mai perening ti enda manah ba perintah menua ti betuaika iya. Enggau nya, terang bendar iya enda rinduka pengawa beduan raban bansa Penan ba tapak Tekat Murum nya dikemesai-kemesaika sekeda media. Raban bansa Penan nya

Spotlight On Murum……

At the weekend Taib Mahmud bemoaned that the recent ‘spotlight of publicity’ on Sarawak has created negative perceptions of his government. So, clearly he wants no further light shone on the disgraceful treatment of the Penan at the Murum Dam site. The tribe are still holding out in protest against his authoritarian command to start

Pengasut Ari Menua Luar Ngujungka Orang Di Murum Balat Ringat

Seraban orang bansa asal di Murum madahka sida kena keduan siku orang ari menua luar, lalu udah nya sida ngaga sebengkah repot polis dikena ngelaban iya. Torstein Dale Sjotveit nya siku orang bebansa Norway, ti udah ngujungka orang bansa asal ngaga mayuh macham repot udah bekau iya merak sida enggau jaku anu ba mua orang

Foreign Troublemaker Causes Anguish In Murum

Native people of Murum say they are being bothered by a foreign troublemaker and have lodged a police report against him. Torstein Dale Sjotveit is a Norwegian, who yesterday caused complaints after shouting in the faces of Penan indigenous people, whom he is ejecting from their ancient homelands. It is also alleged that he berated

Baka Ni BN Ngelakar Maya Bepilihbesai Di Baram

Mayuh palan endur muai undi ti ditemu bisi dilawa pengundi penyakal udah ditutup tengan pagi di serata menua Baram maya bepilihbesai tu kemari, baka ti dibantaika, taja pan rintai orang ti nganti gintir diri deka muai undi nya agi panjai bendar lalu bala pengundi ti udah ringat nya lalu nadai peluang muai undi ke sehari

Pengarap Nya Pasal Pengawa Ukai Ngemesaika Lekajaku ..

Bala orang ti kelalu balat kiruhka pasal ritual-ritual pengarap enggau sesebengkah lekajaku nya balat agi deka ngalihka perati orang mayuh ari pekara-pekara sekali ke sida nya orang ti endang amat-amat taluk ngagai ajar pengarap nya empu. Sida arapka ari ti inggar pasal pekara ti mit-mit baka nya sida ulih meri pengandal ke orang bukai nya

Pengirau Ati Ba Bayar Menua Australia Ti Mayuh Ngagai Kompeni Enggi Taib

Pengirau ati orang mayuh diatu majak betambah ketegal bejuta-juta dollar ti udah dibayar perintah Australia ngagai kompeni Ta Ann, enggi petunggal lalu mega proksi pengawa dagang Kepala Menteri Sarawak, Abdul Hamed Bin Sepawi. Penyampau bayar ti udah diatur nya diatu nya nyadika insentif ngagai sebuah kilang di Tasmania; udah nya dikena nyerahka pulai kuasa-kuasa nebang

Pengerembai ‘Berita Angin’ Pasal Ulun Dikena Ba Projek Tekat Murum, Enggau Mayuh Agi Repot Pasal Pengawa Masung Orang Indu Ti Nuntung Raban Bansa Penan

Sekumbang ti nganti ai tekat makin niki di Murum di Sarawak, Sarawak Report mega bisi nerima berita pasal atur ti ngena ulun bekereja ba tapak projek nya. Beribu-ribu iku ulun ari menua China, Myanmar, Bangladesh enggau Pakistan bisi udah dibai tama dikena ngaga tekat ba sebengkah kandang kampung enggau tanah pesaka enggi raban bansa Penan

Gaji Menteri Kabinet Sarawak Niki Tiga Lipat Sepengudah Bepilihbesai!

Beberapa hari udah tembu bepilihbesai bulan Lima tu tadi ti udu dibalut penyalah makai suap enggau pengawa ngelakar, Kepala Menteri Sarawak Abdul Taib Mahmud udah mansutka jaku ti nyadika iya dipeda baka ‘petara’. Iya udah nikika gaji bala YB enggau bala menteri iya. Enggau gaji ti niki ngemesai nya iya empu ti nerima gaji RM13,000

Utai Ti Bendar Bebanding Enggau Pemanggar Taib

Kepala Menteri Sarawak Abdul Taib Mahmud rindu bendar ngenang mimpi manis iya dikena iya bebula pasal pengerusak kampung di menua Sarawak. Bala penyukung iya mega seruran nyikap diri deka besetuju enggau jaku iya nya. Ambi ke banding, bedau tentu lama dulu ari tu orang tuai nya udah madahka agi bisi 70% laluh kampung Sarawak nya

Raban Bansa Penan Bisi Kuasa Angkat Ngelaban

Kompeni Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) diatu ngena chara ti kala dikena ngelama tu lebuh sida napi pengawa ngempang jalai di Murum ti didirika raban bansa Penan ba minggu nyin kemari. SEB udah melanja sida, lalu serebana ke raban bansa asal nya udah “diasut” sekeda raban NGO ti enda disebut sida nama. Dalam pengelama beberapa hari

Pengawa Daud Direpotka Ngagai Opis SPRM Bekaul Enggau Wang Turu Islam

Udah bekau repot kami pansut ba pun minggu tu tadi ti madahka Menteri Pekara Orang Islam ti mega nyadika Pengerusi Wang Turu Baitulmal ti udah nagaka projek besai ngagai kompeni enggi iya empu, raban parti penyakal PKR udah ngeripotka Daud Abdul Rahman ngagai Opis Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM). Parti penyakal DAP mega kala udah

Badu Agi Ngemaruhka Sida Ti Seranta!

  Bala orang politik ti tebilang di menua Sarawak udah teleba bendar ngayanka penyiru sida lebuh maya nyuaka pemeri bantu enggau tulung ngagai raban orang ti seranta dalam komuniti sida. Diatu kitai suah meda suratberita nuliska repot enggau ngayanka gambar pasal orang ti ‘seranta’ nerima pemeri ‘penyiru’ ari sekeda orang politik ti kaya-kaya, ti rindu

Daud Reported To MACC Over Islamic Fund

Following our report earlier this week that the Minister for Islamic Affairs and Chairman of the Baitulmal Fund had awarded a mega-building project to his own company, the opposition PKR party has reported Daud Abdul Rahman to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. The opposition DAP party has also gone public to repeat its demands that the Tabang

Sarawak Raised At UN, While Adelaide Students Protest Against Taib

The Malaysian NGO Suaram has made a representation to the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Rights, which highlights the ill-treatment of the natives of Sarawak. The oral representation by Nalini Elumalai, the Executive Director of Suaram, called for the Rapporteur, James Anaya to be allowed to personally visit East Malaysia to evaluate the abuses

Baka Ni Tuai Tabung Baitulmal Nyerungkai Tabung Islam Sarawak – REPOT SILIK!

  16 Sep 2013   Beratika rumah Baitulmal ti digaga enggau ungkus beratus-juta ringgit. Tabung dalam rumah nya ditagaka dikena mantu orang bepengarap Islam ti seranta Sapit Menteri pekara Orang Islam Sarawak, Daud Abdul Rahman, ti nyadi Pengerusi semua duit ti digumpul lalu disadung ngagai raban orang Islam di menua Sarawak, ngena penuduk iya ti

How The Baitulmal Chief Raided Sarawak’s Islamic Fund – EXCLUSIVE EXPOSE!

The Assistant Minister for Islamic Affairs, Daud Abdul Rahman, presides over all the money collected and distributed by Muslims in the state, through his role as Chairman of the Baitulmal Board (Tabung Baitulmal Sarawak/ TBS). These funds include the obligatory Zakat, raised from the faithful in order to help the poor and needy. However, much

Stop Humiliating The Poor!

Leading politicians in Sarawak seem addicted to showing off how kind they are by handing out money and cheques to the poor and downtrodden in society Scarcely a day goes by when newspapers do not feature a “very poor person” receiving this ‘benevolence’ from smug and very wealthy individuals, who want the world to see how ‘generous’ they are.

Open Letter To Najib Razak – Stop Taib’s Abuse of The Murum Penan

Dear Prime Minister – As you know, Malaysia voted in favour of the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Rights (UNDRIP) and is a signatory to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Malaysia is also a member of the International Finance Corporation (formulator of the World Bank’s sustainability  framework) and Sarawak Energy is

Sapa Ke Bendar Iya Ngelanggar Kuasa Pengelantang Mensia Di Sarawak?

Kepala Menteri Sarawak Abdul Taib Mahmud seruran ngumbai kuasa pengelantang iya empu patut dikena ngereja sebarang utai nitihka peneka iya empu. Betanya tauka mantah tauka enda nurutka peneka iya deka dikumbai iya ngelanggar kuasa pengelantang iya. Taib udah bulih rampa kampung ti besai bendar, ngerusak kampung pemadu berega di dunya enggau nubai batang sungai lalu

Nadai Penetap Enti Enda Dipeluruska

Beberapa bulan ti udah tu Taib mahud udah didinga nyambut pengerami hari jadi ke 50 iya udah mangku pengawa menteri lalu enda kala dituntung sebarang penanggul. Dalam pengelama tiga puluh tiga taun ari maya nya iya mangku pengawa nyadi Kepala Menteri. Taib udah milih peluang ti besimbolik nya dikena mansutka mayuh macham penerang bekaul enggau

Nyelamatka Rampa Menua Di Bakun Kenu Ku Bala Hipokrit BN

Ba minggu nyin kemari Taib Mahmud udah ngeluarka sebengkah penerang ti deka netapka laluh 18 buah pulau di tasik Bakun nyadika Taman Negara dalam gazet perintah. Enggau chara nya, engka Taib deka nyadika siku penerima perais orang ti chakah ngulihka pemanah rampa menua. Tang utai ti ngasuh ati tusah iya nya Taib nadai udah netapka

The Murum Penan Are Right To Fight

Sarawak Energy adopted a familiar tactic towards the renewal of the blockade at Murum by the indigenous Penan people at the weekend. They patronised them, by complaining that they had been “instigated” by un-named NGOs. Over the past days there have been reports that scores of the indigenous tribes people have again brought the construction

Solid Evidence Versus Taib’s Lies

Over and again Chief Minister Taib Mahmud pulls arbitrary figures from his imagination to deny his destruction of Sarawak.  Flunkeys line up to agree with him. For example, not so long ago the dotty old dictator pronounced that 70% of Sarawak remains untouched virgin jungle and that most of the rest of the state is

DAP Slams Sarawak Energy’s CEO For Favouring Taib Companies

Following information passed to Sarawak’s DAP by Sarawak Report, the party is considering reporting Torstein Sjotveit, the Norwegian CEO of Sarawak Energy, to Malaysia’s Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). For some months already the party has raised concerns about Sarawak Energy (SEB)’s suspicious preferences towards the company Sarawak Cable Bhd when awarding contracts. Sarawak Energy (SEB) is

BN’s Post-Election Priority? Tripling Their Own Salaries Of Course!

Just days after an election marred by bribery and ballot rigging, Sarawak’s Chief Minister made his first move to set the tone of his conduct as BN’s ‘kingmaker’. He tripled the salaries for state YBs and ministers. The effect was to bump up his own salary as Chief Minister from RM13,000 a month to RM39,000.

Who Gives A Dam About Human Rights In Sarawak?

Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud clearly thinks it is his human right to do exactly what he likes. To question or oppose him or refuse to comply is simply an outrageous violation of his right to do as he pleases. He has taken vast territories, destroyed the world’s most precious forests and rivers and presumably

No Resolution Without Justice

This past month saw Taib Mahmud’s 50th anniversary of uninterrupted public office.  Thirty three of those years have been spent as Chief Minister of the State of Sarawak. He has chosen this symbolic moment to make various remarks acknowledging the ‘lack of progress’ achieved by the Dayak people during that time. Yet, cheekily, he suggests

Concern Over Australia’s Mega-Pay Outs To Taib Family Firm

Concerns have been mounting over the millions of dollars being paid out by the Australian government to the company Ta Ann, owned by the fabulously wealthy cousin and business proxy of the Chief Minister, Hamed Sepawi. The amount paid out so far in incentives first to locate in Tasmania; then to surrender previously agreed logging

How BN Rigged The Baram Election

Polling stations in known opposition areas were slammed shut mid-morning across Baram on the day of the Federal Election, it has been revealed, leaving queues of outraged voters unable to cast their votes. This was just one of the methods by which officials gained a wafer thin majority for BN in a region that has

Religion Is About Deeds Not Words..

All religions are intended to civilise us, which makes it all the more of an affront when people do the most uncivilised things in the name of religion, like attacking other people or indeed attempting to deny them their legitimate rights to their own form of faith. For these reasons that minority of aggressive people,

Torstein’s Black Out Has Set SCORE Back By Hundreds Of Millions!

If you take a huge salary and brag a lot about your “Power to Grow” Sarawak, then you ought not to make multi-million dollar cock-ups. Which is why last week’s state-wide power black out has surely left the credibility of Sarawak Energy’s Torstein Sjotveit damaged beyond resuscitation? It has become clear that the power supply from

Manchal Bendar Taib Enti Iya Enda Nyurutka Diri Diatu!

Ba ujung minggu tu tadi Opis Komisyen Penagang Penyalah Makai Suap Malaysia (MACC) bisi madahka sida bisi bulih mayuh bendar penerang enggau saksi bekaul enggau penyalah makai suap ti dikereja Taib ti “manchal sereta enda lurus ati” nya. Lekajaku nya sekeda ari lekajaku ti tebilang disebut Taib dikena iya ngeleseka opis komisyen nya lebuh iya

Cameron’s Conservatives Should Show Caution Before They Suck Up To Najib

Relations between the UK and Malaysia should naturally be warm. However, as Prime Minister Najib Razak makes his way towards the UK this week, David Cameron’s welcome party should concentrate on that friendship with the Malaysian people, rather than selfish financial opportunities. After all, Najib represents a discredited minority government, which everyone knows would have

Its Naughty And Dishonest Not To Resign Taib!

This weekend the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) made clear that there is a huge amount of information pointing to the fact that it is Taib who is extremely “naughty and dishonest”. These are, of course, the words he famously used to describe the commission itself, when he was questioned about its investigations into his blatant

Torstein Keeps Sarawak In The Dark – SEB’s RM30 Billion Outstanding Charge

The State of Sarawak is just recovering from hours plunged in darkness, a situation that threatened countless lives. Sarawak Electricity boss Torstein Dale Sjotveit has now issued a personal apology, admitting the blackout was triggered by the new Bakun Dam hydro-electric plant, which is supposed to be powering  through a dramatic modernisation programme. Since he is

“Qui Moi”? – Palm Oil Tycoons Protest Innocence!

As predicted, the great palm oil agri-businesses were quick to blame small-holders for the smog that has engulfed the region in past days. Doubtless, we can expect several small farmers to be rounded up and severely punished over the coming period. On this site the very first comment to our story on the smoky problem

Australia Buys Out Taib-Linked Logging Contract To Save Its Forests

In a surprise development the Taib family company Ta Ann has accepted a multi-million dollar settlement from the Australian Government, in order to give up major timber supplies in the state of Tasmania. The move is a stunning vindication for environmental campaigners in the state, who have suffered vilification and arrests for protesting against the logging

Burning Borneo Causes Worldwide Concern

The tragedy of South East Asia’s wanton forest destruction has once again caught the attention of the rest of the world, mainly because it is inconveniencing the citizens of Singapore. Singapore smog is getting headlines in the UK and US, reminding all of the dreadful truth concealed behind the expensive branding of “Malaysia Truly Asia”.

Top BN Crony Secretly Secures Sarawak Oil Fields! EXCLUSIVE

In a shocking departure from normal practice one of BN’s top business cronies, Ananda Krishnan, has secured direct control of a series of Sarawak’s off-shore oil fields. It makes his private company Pexco “one of the largest acreage holders in Malaysia”, according to its own CEO. The astonishing development has placed the multi-billionaire (known for

Enemies Of The State?

Sarawak Report is flattered to note that the Chief Minister regards our occasional observations on his management of the State of Sarawak as tantamount to a significant threat. So much so, that he chose his post election speech to the State Assembly as a platform to rail against us and denounce this and our sister

The World Wakes Up To Taib – AFP Says It As It Is..

In case readers of Sarawak Report failed to pick up on the assessment of Sarawak by one of the world’s top news agencies, Agence France Press, we reprint (below) how it was presented in the South China Morning Post. Taib had better accept that the international perception of his regime has finally wised up and

“We Are The Majority” – Lim Guan Eng Packs Out London Venues

Against the background of rallies in KL, London’s Malaysian community crowded to see the Penang Chief Minister this weekend, who spoke to students from the LSE and then at a gala dinner in Kensington on Saturday night. The reason for his surprise visit?  He was accompanying the Governor to see the world famous Kew Gardens!

Protestors Make Their Voice Heard At Hydro-Power Conference

The US$1,700 entrance fee to Taib’s showcase dam building conference, which opened at the Borneo Convention Centre today, is well beyond the means of all the poor folk who stand to be affected by his catastrophic plans to swamp Sarawak. However, they gathered in protest outside and made their voices heard and their presence felt

Radio Free Sarawak Receives International Media Award In Amman

Radio Free Sarawak received the highly prestigious Pioneer of Free Media Award from the International Press Institute at its annual conference in Amman last night. Accompanied by two London colleagues founder Clare Rewcastle Brown received the honour on behalf of the whole RFS team of Sarawak Malaysian producers and presenters. The award was established in

International Hydropower Association Delegates Told “Sack Sjotveit”!

An investigation by the Swiss NGO the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) has revealed that Sarawak Energy’s Nowegian Chief Executive has handed more than US$220 million worth of contracts to companies controlled by the Taib family. BMF therefore slams Torstein Dale Sjotveit as being “complicit” in Sarawak’s political corruption and has demanded he be sacked. The

Top British Naturalist Condemns Sarawak & Sabah Logging

One of Britain’s most popular TV personalities, the bird expert Bill Oddie, has released a video condemning the disastrous logging of the Borneo Jungle in Sarawak and Sabah. In the video he singles out the international banking system for supporting individuals like Taib Mahmud and Musa Aman, who have been the prime forces in driving

Dikeruga Baru!

Lebuh bepuluh ribu iku mensia ngulu sebengkah gempuru besai dikena sida mansutka pemedis ati sida pasal bepilihbesai ti udah dirampas BN, Sarawak Report bisi napi sebengkah ikas penanggul ti enda udu. Emel-emel sida kena churi. Dalam pengawa malit pengawa kami ‘PR Chelum’ ti baru nya, bala pengodam ti diupah nyerang komputer-komputer kami lalu bebelitka jaku

Quite Right To Fight!

BN should not expect Pakatan Rakyat to take their version of GE13 lying down. After all Pakatan represent the majority of the voters by a very substantial and convincing margin! Even after all the jiggery pokery with the electoral register, the bus loads of phantom voters, the mysterious additional ballot boxes that arrived during re-counts,

Hacked Off!

As hundreds of thousands rally in Malaysia to express their fury at BN’s stolen election, Sarawak Report has suffered a relatively unimportant level of theft.  Stolen emails. In the latest ‘Black PR’ effort to try and discredit our work, it appears that hackers have been hired to attack our computers and then to maliciously distort

‘Politik Duit’ BN Ngetanka Penuduk ‘Menteri Besai Bepenyalah’ Sida

Penerang-penerang terus dikirumka nuju kami bekaul enggau utai ti dikereja ba sebengkah hari muai undi ti dikumbai kami ‘Hari Minggu Ti Petang’. Hari sehari nya udah nyadika siti hari ti endur peluang mayuh agi bala orang bejalaika tanggungpengawa bebasakan sistem demokrasi ti bendar udah dirampas lalu diapuska ngena chara-chara pengasar apek bayat pengawa meli undi


We warned the vote buyers of BN that they were in danger of exposure this year like never before. We said that an army of young Malaysians holding cameras, mobile phones and recorders as their weapons would be patrolling the streets ready to catch them in the act and post it on the Worldwide Web.

Surat Berita Di UK – Anwar Disadang Nyadi Menteri Besai Ti Baru!

“Panatai kali kedua Anwar Ibrahim. Iya niki ke puchuk tang udah nya dipasukka dalam rumah jil. Diatu tuai penyakal Malaysia nya bediri baru ba pintu pemenang ba pengawa bepilihbesai” [suratberita Independent, UK] “Anwar Ibrahim, tuai penyakal Malaysia, diatu bediri semak agi ngagai kuasa ti deka betukar enggau chara demokrasi ari sebuah perintah pemadu lama di

Radio Free Sarawak Menang Perais Pengabis Tinggi Media Entarabansa!

Sehari tu beserimbai enggau Hari Bebas Media Sedunya kami enggau pengabis pengaga ati kami madahka bala bakih kami dalam Radio Free Sarawak udah mujur bulih perais media entarabansa ti pemadu berega! Institut Media Entarabansa (IPI) nya, ti bisi kaban ari raban bala pengarang, editor enggau eksekutif berita ti pemadu tebilang di dunya, udah selubang penemu

UK Press – Anwar Could Be Next PM!

“Anwar poised for a comeback on the promise of leading ‘Malaysian Spring’”[UK Times]. “The second coming of Anwar Ibrahim. He rose to the top and then ended up in jail.  Now Malaysia’s opposition leader stands on the verge of a remarkable election victory”[UK Independent] “Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia’s oppostion leader, stands tantalisingly close to seizing power

Datuk Ti Kamah Ari Raban Bansa Dayak – Pengari-Pengari Kroni BN

Enti nuan nya siku tuai raban bansa Dayak ti dipebasaka raban nuan lalu bisi penemu orang ari luar ti ngasuh nuan nipu sereta mechat raban bansa nuan empu awakka nuan ulih nyadi kaya belipat kali ari orang bukai, deka tauka enggai nuan ngereja nya? Uji perundingka nya. Engka nuan enggai besalahka sida Linggi sebilik tauka

Radio Free Sarawak Wins Top International Media Award!

Today on International Press Freedom Day we are proud and delighted to proclaim that our colleagues on Radio Free Sarawak have won one of the world’s most prestigious journalism awards! The International Press Institute, which comprises a global network of leading journalists, editors, and media executives, has selected Radio Free Sarawak as the recipient of this year’s Free Media

Down At The Airport!

Down at the airport is where it is happening with the Malaysian elections right now. Secret flights are heading out loaded with cash. Meanwhile overloaded chartered jets are flying in crowded with foreign workers, suspected of being dragooned into voting for BN. The rats are leaving the sinking ship, while the PM is still desperately trying to win this election “at any cost”..

Taib Baru Bulih Kontrak Besai Dalam SCORE!

Pengerangka udah bekuasa atas Kepala Menteri ti ngujungka iya udah enda ingat ke diri ti suah bulih sebarang utai ti dikedekaka iya, di sebarang maya, ari menua Sarawak. Projek ti deka dikereja iya enggau berupai nya udah dikeluarka dalam berita kemari bekaul enggau sebuah projek ti ke-4 pemadu besai dalam langgur atur pemansang SCORE di

Dirty Dayak Datuks – BN’s Crony Candidates

If you were a respected leader of your Dayak community and a cheat came and asked you to betray your people in return for becoming a millionaire several times over, would you do it? Think about it. Put yourself in their shoes. Maybe you don’t blame the Linggi family or the Jabu family, because maybe

Taib Grabs The Latest SCORE Contract (Of Course)!

Plainly greed has so over-powered the Chief Minister that he has ceased to care about the blatant nature of his constant grabbing from Sarawak. The latest daylight raid was announced yesterday with the granting of the 4th big project in his so-called SCORE development master-plan. SCORE (Sarawak Corridor of ‘Renewable’ Energy) involves flooding much of

Sungai Asap – Kena Keduan BN Kali Ke Penudi ..

Sarawak Report diatu bisi nerima beberapa iti kar menua ti dikirumka bala pemeri penerang belalai ti deka mantaika langgur pengawa ngena jaku gerah ti deka dipansutka BN pasal pengawa ngagihka tanah endur betanam-betupi ke pengentap pendiau baru bala orang diri sebilik di Sungai Asap nya sebengkah pengawa ti meri malu. Semua kar menua nya nunjukka

Onn Mahmud Dipechat Ari Menua Australia!

Surat berita ujung minggu Australia ti tebilang, The Age, ngeluarka berita pasal menyadi Kepala Menteri Sarawak Taib Mahmud, iya nya Onn Mahmud, sehari tu. “Siku tauke ngerarika diri ari mayar cukai reta bejuta-juta dollar”, “Pengawa dagang ti ngasuh kakang ati” enggau “Tangkap iya, pengelenyau bemisteri orang kaya Malaysia” nya sekeda ari batang repot suratberita ti

Sungai Asap – BN’s Final Betrayal..

Sarawak Report has received secret maps revealing that a planned BN announcement of land allocations for the displaced families of Sungai Asap is merely a sham. The maps show that the 32,000 hectares that BN are proposing to offer in a pre-election gambit to win back votes are in fact gazetted as Pesu-Pelong Protected Forest Area

Agi Mayuh Penerang Ari Repot Suhakam – Penyalah Makai Suap Enggau Pengawa Apek Bayat Perintah Menua Ti Betuaika Taib

Enggau betambah berita pasal pengawa bebelika undi di menua Sarawak, kami ulih mantaika mayuh agi penerang asil pansik komisyen kuasa mensia Malaysia, Suhakam. Pengawa jai ti dilancarka Taib enggau bala kroni iya dikena ngambi tanah raban bansa asal di Sarawak. Chara-chara tu nyengkaum pengawa kasar, emba, pejal enggau meri duit suap. Repot Suhakam nya ngayanka

Onn Mahmud Is Flushed Out In Australia!

Australia’s respected Sunday paper The Age is bristling with headlines about Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s brother Onn today. “Tycoon dodges millions in land tax”, “Dubious dealings” and “Catch him if you can, the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia’s second richest man” are the titles for a series of detailed exposes about Onn, who was Taib’s key

Taib Belabuh Kesal Lalu Besemaya Deka Nikika Gaji Bala Tuai Rumah!

Nama kelai ti manah agi dikena mandingka penakut raban BN ti nunjukka sida deka alah ba bepilihbesai serak tu enggau chara meri lalu besemaya deka meri mayuh macham ‘projek’ baka ti suah didinga kitai ngelama tu? Dalam taun 2008 suba BN ditemu bisi nyuap RM10 ngagai tiap iku pengundi sida. Tang ba minggu tu tadi

RM1,000 Siti Undi Ke Tiong Bisi Tuju

Taib Mahmud suah bendar mansutka jaku ansak ti madahka besai bendar guna enti orang Sarawak ditejuka suntuk, laban sida deka meri terima kasih ke sebarang pemeri, taja pan rega pemeri nya enda besai. Tu beguna bendar ke BN rambau bepilihbesai tu, laban BN tau majakka pengawa korup sida enggau chara meli undi ngena beberapa ringgit

Taib Panics and Offers Headmen a Living Wage!

What better sign of BN’s panic that they may lose this election than the frantic handouts and sudden promises of ‘projects’ that we have been seeing this week? In 2008 the average election bribe that BN paid to poor rural folk per vote was a mere RM10.  Yet this week the timber tycoon MP Tiong

Ben Fogle – Regrets Role As Sarawak Tourism Ambassador

The TV ‘adventurer’ Ben Fogle has gone public to express his regret at having taken on a highly paid role for the Sarawak Government as their tourism ambassador. He now acknowledges, along with the rest of the world, that Taib Mahmud has turned this part of the Borneo Jungle into an environmental disaster zone, where

“Dipejal Nyadi Anak Kuli Ba Tanah Diri Empu” EKSLUSIF

Diatu Sarawak Report bisi nerima sesalin repot ti ditiriska pasal pengawa ngeruga pengelantang enggau pengelikun raban orang bansa asal di menua Sabah enggau Sarawak, ti benung teguh dipelalaika perintah BN nyentuk ke tembu pengawa bepilihbesai ke-13 tu ila. Repot ari Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam) nya udah mantah Perintah Sarawak ti betuaika Kepala Menteri

What Tiong Gets For His RM1,000 per Vote

Taib once famously urged that it was important to keep the people of Sarawak poor, so that they would be grateful for small sums. This is particularly important to BN at election time, because it means they can continue their corrupt practice of buying votes for a few ringgit and then use the power this

“Forced To Become Coolies In Their Own Lands” MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Report has received a leaked copy of a devastating official report on the treatment of the natives of Sabah and Sarawak, which BN has been trying to keep secret until after the election. In the report Malaysia’s human rights commission Suhakam has lambasted Taib’s State Government on count after count over its conduct over

Global Witness Nyebut Au Ngagai Taib!

Raban NGO Global Witness ti bisi indu opis di UK nya udah meri saut ti manah bendar ngagai kangau Taib Mahmud ti meri diri deka besara-penemu pasal penyalah makai suap enggau pengawa ngerampas tanah ti balat dikereja rejim perintah iya di menua Sarawak. Lalu saut sida ke jaku kangau iya nya “au”. Ba rambau pengawa

Wong ‘Judas’ – How SWP’s Candidate Cheated Julau Voters And His BN Boss!

Voters in constituencies contested by the wealthy Sng Chee Hua have been reported as perplexed, because they have received ‘Membership Cards’ for his Sarawak Workers Party (SWP) without realising they had joined. Some such recipients have expressed themselves as downright angry, because they are already members of other parties! So what has been going on?

Global Witness Say Yes To Taib!

The UK-based NGO Global Witness has responded to Taib Mahmud’s bizarre offer to debate with them about the corruption and land grabbing under his regime in Sarawak. And their answer is “yes”. During an election period this will most likely leave opposition leaders like PKR’s Baru Bian and DAP’s Chong Chieng Jen somewhat amazed. Both

Princess Jamilah In Business Exporting Hardwood From Sarawak To The USA!

Taib Mahmud has vehemently denied that his Canadian daughter Jamilah and his other family members do business in Sarawak. However, we can show that for decades they have been exporting hardwood straight from the jungles of Sarawak to the USA! Also involved in the family export ring are Taib’s brothers Onn and Tufail, his late

Apuska Tukang Tesau!

BN benung chakah sereta enda badu-badu ngatur serang, enda salah-salah baka pendiau nembiak ti mit, nguji nutup semua jaku tuduh kami enggau chara nyerang laman web tu enggau laman-laman web Radio Free Sarawak enggau Radio Free Malaysia. Sida mega udah ngeruga program-program ba kedua-dua stesyen radio nya, tang  enda mujur. Taja pan ketiga-tiga buah laman

Kill The Messenger!

BN are persisting in their childish attempts to shut up criticism by attacking this website and also the websites of Radio Free Sarawak and Radio Free Malaysia. They are also jamming the broadcasts of the two radio stations, but with patchy success. Although the three websites have been hit hard and repeatedly by so-called DDOS

“Puteri” Jamilah – Agi Mayuh Pasal Sida Taib Sebilik Dibantaika

Sarawak Report ulih mantaika pasal pendiau enggau ulah anak indu Taib ti benama Jamilah ti kala bulih buah ayah tauka gela “Puteri Jamilah” lebuh iya belajar ba sebengkah kolej di menua Kanada, ketegal pengaya apai iya. Bala bakih ti sama besekula enggau iya di Universiti Carlton di menua Ottawa Kanada nya alit bendar ati ke

“Princess” Jamilah! – More On The Taib Royal Family

Sarawak Report can reveal that Taib’s eldest daughter, Jamilah, was dubbed “Princess Jamilah” while still at college in Canada, on account of her fabulous wealth. Fellow students at the Ottawa’s Carlton University were so amazed at the teenager’s conspicuous wealth, her designer outfits and grand accommodation, that they jokingly gave her the royal title. The

Cyber Mania And Radio Jamming – BN Falls Back On Cheating!

BN have effectively acknowledged that they have to cheat in this election and cannot afford the opposition view point to be heard by voters. Over the weekend they have spent large sums of public money launching full-scale attacks on Radio Free Malaysia and Radio Free Sarawak. They have both attempted to jam their broadcasts and

Kompeni Taib Sebilik Mujur Bulih Duit Jali RM1.9BILLION Ari Bank Pembangunan!

Kompeni Taib Mahmud ti kala udah dituntung pengerugi ti bepukuka share semina setengah juta ringgit diatu udah mujur bulih duit jali RM2billion ba bulan Disember taun nyin kemari ari Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd (BPMB), ti dipejalaika Opis Menteri Pekara Wang ngena duit awam. Penerang tu dipansutka ti madahka Kepala Menteri Sarawak nya bempu share dalam

Taib Family Company Loaned RM1.9 BILLION By Development Bank!

A loss-making Taib family company with share capital of just half a million ringgit was granted almost RM2billion in loans last December by the Malaysia Development Bank (PBMB), which is run by the Ministry of Finance using public money. The astonishing revelation is made all the more shocking by the fact that the Sarawak Chief Minister

Rainforest Graft – Sarawak Report Further Vindicated Over Sabah!

Just days after a devastating Global Witness film confirmed Sarawak Report’s allegations about the corruption of billionaire Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, another top international organisation has substantiated our reports about the neighbouring Chief Minister, Musa Aman. The world renowned Reuters news agency has published an explosive analysis of timber corruption in Sabah, triggered by the

Bala Orang Julau Nyida Ke Tanah Sida Kena Rampas Sida Taib Sebilik

Bala orang asal di menua Julau udah kena keduan baka ti diterangka dalam filem ti diayanka Global Witness minggu nyin kemari, diatu ringat sereta nyida lalu begempuru mandangka pengeringat diri dikena sida ngelaban pengawa meri tanah-tanah NCR sida enggau chara belalai ngagai sida Taib Mahmud sebilik. Siku pengari ari PKR ke sitak menua nya, Andy

“Umbas Nya Ngelindung Orang Ti Udu Korup” – Raban Lawyer Di London Diansak Badu Agi Ngiruh Diri Enggau Taib Mahmud

Kompeni Mishcon de Reya ti bepalan di London ti ngarika Taib Mahmud enggau menantu iya Sean Murray sereta mega enggau kompeni-kompeni sida baka Sakto, Sakti enggau Ridgeford Properties, udah ditangkan enggau jaku awakka “badu ngelindung bala orang ti udu korup” lalu ninggalka pelanggan sida ti udu bekontroversi nya. Dalam sebengkah penerang ti dikeluarka sehari tu,

Julau People Outraged Over Taib Family Land Grabs

The people of Julau who saw themselves victimised on the devastating film expose by Global Witness last week have come out in fury to protest at the secret disposal of their Native Customary Rights lands to Taib’s family members. PKR front-runner in the area, Andy Wong, made a police report on the 23rd of March, followed

Taib Mahmud Ngutuk Aya Iya Empu Sereta Enggau Pekat Dikena “Meti” Iya

Video ti dibantaika bekaul enggau penyalah makai suap Taib Mahmud sebilik enggau mega rejim perintah iya udah balat bendar dikerandauka mensia mayuh ba pun minggu tu tadi. Lebuh ti bejaku enggau pengarang berita seraya ke direkod ngena kamera video kemari Kepala Menteri ti seruran didinga bejaku besai nya udah nguji ngayanka mua iya ti gaga

Ben Fogle Ari UK Nginsil Kontrak PR Pasal Sarawak – “Nesal Ati” Ke Penyalah Makai Suap Ti Dibantaika

Sebuah suratberita ti tebilang di Britain, The Independent, bisi nuliska repot ti madahka pengaga filem cherita bejalai, Ben Fogle, udah matak diri ari kontrak PR ti dikena nguji ngangkatka nama ‘eko-temuai’ Sarawak. Suratberita nya nusui pasal Sarawak ti nyadika “sebengkah rejim perintah ti ngembuan rekod ngerusak rampa menua entara ti pemadu jai di dunya tu”.

“Stop Defending The Corrupt” – London Lawyers Told To Drop Taib

Mishcon de Reya, the London lawyers who represent Taib and his son-in-law Sean Murray and firms Sakto, Sakti and Ridgeford Properties, have been warned to “stop defending the corrupt” and to ditch their most controversial clients. In a statement issued today the Bruno Manser Fund (BMF) point out: “Mishcon de Reya’s relationship with the Taib

Billion Venture Lwn “Penduduk Setinggan” – Sebuah Kisah Di Sebalik Rampasan Tanah NCR Dilakukan Keluarga Hii

Huang Lung Ong merupakan seorang peguam yang dirakamkan dalam video tersembunyi yang mewakili keluarga Hii dalam cubaan mereka menjual 32,000 hektar tanah hutan berlesen untuk tujuan perladangan di bawah nama syarikat mereka, Billion Venture. Kini Sarawak Report dapat mendedahkan dengan lebih lanjut bahawa peguam ini telah menyembunyikan bukti-butki penting dari pengetahuan bakal pelanggannya. Ini kerana

Sida Meda Kitai Baka Bala Raja?

Bala rakyat menua Sarawak siatu benung meratika penyumbung bala anak indu Tun Abdul Rahman, baka ti udah diayanka dalam video ti direkod gerempung NGO Global Witness pasal pengawa sida ti berampaska tanah-tanah NCR enggi orang bansa asal di Sarawak. Dua iku ari anak indu Tun Abdul Rahman nya, ti udah mujur bulih tanah NCR nengah

They Look At Us Like Kings?

The people of Sarawak are still digesting the arrogance of the Abdul Rahman sisters, revealed in the Global Witness expose on the land grabs this week. Two of the eight sisters, who own companies given NCR land by their cousin the Chief Minister, explained in a secretly recorded interview how they consider their relationship with

Taib Blames His Own Uncle And A Conspiracy To “Frame” Him!

The strain on Taib was there for all to see yesterday, after the corruption video exposing his family and his entire regime went viral. Speaking to journalists on camera yesterday a rambling Chief Minister attempted to appear jovial and easy-going, but his anger was barely concealed. First he tried to gag the Global Witness, in

Vindicated! – Our Corruption Claims Confirmed On Camera

For three years Sarawak Report has been detailing week in and week out the outrageous theft and destruction carried out by Taib Mahmud and his family against Sarawak and its people. We have been called liars and all our evidence (mostly obtained from public records) has been denied. Lawyers have been hired to accuse us;

Ngemetulka Penemuai Ben Fogle …

Sarawak Report udah nerima jaku bebula penerang ari BBC ti madahka sida kala nerima sereta ngamatka sebarang gambar tauka penerang betulis ti dikeluarka Ben Fogle pasal penemuai iya ke Sarawak bedau lama tu udah. Penemuai Ben nya ti dipelanja sebuah kompeni PR ari menua UK, Hills balfour, endang dibayar Perintah Menua Sarawak lalu mayuh agi

Corrections Come In On Ben Fogle….

Sarawak Report has received denials from the BBC that it has commissioned any of the material filmed by Ben Fogle in Sarawak. The trip, which was organised by a UK travel PR company, Hills Balfour, was paid for by the Sarawak State Government. However, much was made locally about the BBC’s supposed involvement. Fogle was

Tabi Basa Ke Nuan Ben Fogle …..

[Ben Fogle tu siku ‘bintang TV realiti’ bebansa British beberapa taun tu udah – lalu kami nuliska surat tebuka tu pasal penemuai iya ke menua Sarawak bedau lama tu udah] Tabi basa ke nuan Ben Fogle, Kami udah beratika enggau silik repot nuan dalam majalah Hello, nyengkaum penerang-penerang media enggau Tweeter pasal penemuai berani nuan

Dear Ben Fogle…..

[Ben Fogle was a British ‘reality TV star’ some years back – we send him this open letter on his recent trip to Sarawak] Dear Ben Fogle, We have been watching your breathless reports in Hello Magazine, along with the various press releases and Twitter placements about your recent brave adventure into the jungles of Sarawak…

Sada Nyawa Rakyat Sarawak Makin Inggar

Malaysia enggau Sarawak enggau Sabah bulih merdeka nyau deka ba maya ti sebaka. Reti nya rakyat nya meh orang ti bekuasa lalu bala orang politik ti dipilih sida nyadi menteri nya nyadika orang ti bekereja ke rakyat, baka di menua Britain enggau Amerika enggau di menua-menua demokrasi ti bukai di dunya tu. Bala orang politik

Sarawakians Finding Their Voice

Malaysia and Sarawak and Sabah all gained democracy at the same time as independence. That means that the people are in charge and the politicians are named ‘servants’ of the people like they are in Britain and America and other democracies. These politicians have fixed salaries and should expect to be changed every few years

CNN’s John Defterios Also Flogged FBC Media’s Illicit Services To Microsoft, Azerbaijan, Uzbeks, Khazakhs, Mubarak.. !

American blogger Josh Trevino’s belated confessions about the more than one million ringgit he received from Malaysian PMs Abdul Badawi and Najib Razak to attack and slander the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and others has left his former colleagues and bosses at FBC Media exposed. This includes the high-profile CNN anchorman John Defterios, who was

Raban ‘Soldadu Cyber’ BN Dibantaika!

Bala sida nya enda salah-salah baka orang mayuh ti bukai, ti ngumbai diri “raban blogger ari menua tu empu ti ngembuan penatai asal sida empu ti nyelai”. Tang kami ulih mantaika baka ni kaul semua laman web pro-BN nya enggau pangan diri ti dikemataka beberapa iku blogger ti nerima upah enggau chara belalai ari Awang

Malaysia Matters [Site Now Removed From Web]

[Sarawak Report has recorded some of the material that was on the Malaysia Matters website, commissioned from Josh Trevino by BN, but which has now been removed from the web – see below] The strange, stupefying case of Anwar Ibrahim. 2 July 2008 By Joshua Trevino How strange can Anwar Ibrahim’s political career get? Back

Still Lying? BN’s Poison Blogger Admits Some But Not All In The US

Josh Trevino and his team of ‘poison bloggers’ based in the United States have now publicly confessed to their campaign of slander against Malaysian pro-democracy figures, which was commissioned by BN and originally exposed by Sarawak Report [more here]. However, we can demonstrate that this notorious American blogger has continued to lie and obscure the full truth,

New Ledger Article By Christopher Baddeaux (website now removed)

On Sarawak Report. 6 Jul By Christopher Badeaux So I was ego-Googling and found that on Clare Rewcastle Brown’s vanity project site, Sarawak Report, I had somehow reached the level at which she cared to remark on me and on this site. I’m flattered. I’m also offended, but given the level of reaching in that

BN’s ‘Cyber-Warriors’ Exposed!

  They pose as ordinary folk, describing themselves as “a fraternity of local bloggers each with their own unique and respective backgrounds”. However, we can reveal that a new network of pro-BN websites is actually a front run by a handful of paid journalists, who are secretly financed by Awang Tengah and organised by Taib’s

‘Money Politics’ – How It Corrupts Society Top Downwards, sara

The pernicious influence of so-called ‘Money Politics’ in Sarawak has been fully exposed by the terrible story this week about how a secretary to the SUPP Minister, Francis Harden ak Holles, ruthlessly stole the small state allowance of a badly disabled constituent. The cruel and greedy woman had told Ho Tiong Hwa, from Jalan Kapitan, Sri

Not ‘Cool’ To Look A Fool – Tony Blair’s PR People Behind Psy Fiasco!

We can reveal that Najib Razak is still paying mega-bucks to Tony Blair’s PR people to try to make him look ‘cool’. The same team which was previously employed through the criticised agencies APCO and FBC Media are now secretly consulting on BN’s election campaign, to prolong the party’s controversial half century in government. Meanwhile,

Masing Ngisi Gol Diri Empu Ke BN Ba Projek SCORE

Sekali ke Menteri Pemansang Tanah Sarawak nya udah dikemendarka ngamatka semua jaku kutuk enggau jaku bantah orang mayuh bekaul enggau projek-projek gila ngaga tekat hidro elektrik ari buah runding Kepala Menteri, lalu belabuh besetuju enggau penemu raban parti penyakal enggau gerempung-gerempung NGO rampa menua ti madahka semua projek nya nadai meri sebarang penguntung? Enti jaku

Taib Conducts His Annual Raid On Timber Tycoons In Sibu

One of the penalties of being a top timber tycoon is that your Chinese New Year celebrations are each year ruined by the arrival of Taib Mahmud, demanding his usual ‘Ang Pow’. This year as Taib makes his annual descent on Sibu the Chief Minister will be demanding double dues to pay for an election

Dikutuk Taib! – Aku Ukai Beniat Baka Nya, Ku Serebana Masing

Baka ti disadang Sarawak Report, James Masing udah dikutuk bos BN iya laban didinga ngemeranika diri madahka 12 iti tekat ti diperambu dalam projek SCORE nya enda beguna. Dalam timpuh beberapa jam sepengudah iya ti ditanya siku pengarang berita ari agensi berita entarabansa AFP, Menteri Pemansang Tanah nya lalu diasuh ngatur aum media laban udah

Penanggul Tekat BN Di Menua baram!

Ba bepilihbesai ikas perintah besai nyin kemari Taib udah enda ibuhka tanggungpengawa iya nemuai ngabas bala pengundi di pelilih menua Baram. Ba taib, Baram nya nyadika pun penatai kayu batang ti ulih dikeruga iya, enggau chara meri lisin nebang kayu ti besai bendar rampa ngagai bala kroni iya baka kompeni Samling enggau bala kaban politik

Slapped Down By Taib! – I Didn’t Mean That, Masing Grovels

As predicted by Sarawak Report, James Masing has been immediately taken to task by his BN boss for daring to say publicly that the 12 dams planned under SCORE are not necessary. Within hours of the appearance of the Land Development Minister’s explosive admissions during an interview with the international news agency AFP, Masing was

Masing SCOREs Own Goal For BN

Was the Land Development Minister authorised yesterday when he confirmed all the criticisms about his Chief Minister’s mad dam projects and agreed with the opposition parties and campaigners that they aren’t all necessary? If so, can the Chief Minister immediately and officially confirm on behalf of the Sarawak State Government that his plans for 8

WEK! – Pengawa Bepilihbesai Ti Kamah Masing Ngeleseka Bala Orang Ti Bempu Tanah

Gamal bala orang ti bempu tanah ti merinsa ari pelilih menua Beluru tu terang bendar ngayanka bejuta reti. Suratberita Borneo Post udah madahka orang Beluru nya “seraban orang ti andal sereta gaga ati” lebuh sida dipejal bediri bebala mayuh begambar seraya megai chek besai-besai ke bayar ‘dividen-dividen’ ba pengawa ‘dagang kunsi’ sida dalam sekim sawit

BN’s Baram Crisis !

At the last Federal Election Taib did not bother to visit Baram. To him it was just a source of timber which he could exploit, handing vast logging concessions to his crony companies like Samling and to politicians he needed to control, while leaving the people destitute. One such politician was Jacob Sagan, the local

YUK! – Masing’s Disgusting Election Stunt Humiliates Landowners

The pained expressions of these poor landowners from Beluru say it all. The Borneo Post described them as an “elated lot” as they were forced yesterday to parade before the cameras holding up monster cheques promoting ‘dividends’ from their oil palm ‘joint venture’. In fact their shame and humiliation is plain for all to see.

Taib Belabuh Nyadi Tauke Arang Batu

Siku ari orang ti pemadu beguna ke Kepala Menteri Sarawak Taib Mahmud, Torstein Dale Sjotveit, endang amat berega ba setiap sen ari gaji taun iya ti manggai $4 juta nya. Nyadi siku CEO ba kompeni Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB), Sjotveit seruran berasai temegah nyukung lalu ngelakuka tiap iti perambu Kepala Menteri, taja pan pengawa nya

Taib Turns King Coal

Chief Minister Taib Mahmud’s Norwegian side-kick, Torstein Dale Sjotveit, is clearly worth every penny of his $4million plus salary each year. As the CEO of Sarawak Energy, he has proved happy to support and promote every plan the Chief Minister puts forward, even when it involves pouring public money into Taib’s own family companies (which

Pekat Dikena Ngelabuhka Najib!

Lebuh raban-raban penyukung majak bepechah dalam gerempung BN, semua jaku pesu orang nya endang bejuluk ati deka bebalas dendam. Najib diatu benung napi jaku kutuk dalam parti iya empu, UMNO, ketegal ari pengusut undi pemanah ulah, lalu parti iya diatu benung bejuraika baka ni chara dikena sida ngalahka iya lalu dikena sida ngambi pulai kuasa

The Main Plot Is Against Najib!

As BN’s juddering coalition splutters and stutters towards the election, which it has been putting off but can no longer avoid, all the whispering is about revenge. Najib is getting the blame in UMNO for the falling poll ratings and party plotters have been talking about how to deal with him..

How Taib’s Naughty Cousin Hamed Is Defying The Law In Liberia!

The Chief Minister’s cousin, Hamed Sepawi is one of Malaysia’s richest men. He has achieved this status due to the lavish handouts made to his various companies by the State of Sarawak, thanks to decisions by Taib himself. Hamed has received vast timber and plantation concessions and huge contracts, through Tan Ann, Sarawak Plantation, Naim

How BN’s Fat Cat ‘Youth’ Leader Got Rich Off Plum Permits

Radin Kadri Radin Budiman has done extremely well out of being a loyal BN ‘youth’ leader it seems, although at 47 years old he is plainly no spring chicken. He has become known as a vocal spokesman, who claims to speak for Sarawak’s youth, yet he sounds remarkably like a government mouthpiece. Likewise, although the swaggering

Pekat Dikena Numbangka Taib! BERITA EKSKLUSIF

Sarawak Report bisi nerima penerang ari beberapa iku bala orang ti bekaul semak enggau Taib Mahmud, nusui enggau silik pasal sebengkah pekat ti kering bendar dikena numbangka Kepala Menteri Sarawak ba maya aum besai PBB ti deka diatur, abis laun dalam bulan Lima tu ila. Bala orang ti bepekat ari ikas penuduk sida ti tinggi-tinggi

Kompeni Kayu Batang Enggi Sida Taib Sebilik Diburu Ari Menua Liberia!

Petunggal Taib, siku tuake kayu batang ti mega nyadika kroni politik iya, Abdul Hamed Sepawi, udah diburu pansut ari menua Liberia di Afrika, ba sebengkah chara Presiden menua nya ngemunaskan penyalah makai suap enggau ngulihka kayu batang chara salah di menua nya. Tindak menua Liberia nya udah nyadika empas ti udu ngagai siku orang ti

Perang Pengerembai Berita!

Kepala Menteri Sarawak, Abdul Taib Mahmud udah lenyau pengeliat ati iya lalu minta perintah besai ngena sebarang chara nyekat penabur berita nengah stesyen radio ti ngatika diri, Radio Free Sarawak. Beserimbai enggau nya, bakih politik iya, Kepala PRS, James Masing, mega bisi didinga mantaika jaku sebana lebuh iya minta kuasa soldadu dikena nyekat program radio

Selamatka Minyak Galau Menua Sarawak – ANANG ENDA BEJAGA-JAGA

Rakyat menua Sarawak napi pengawa orang ti ngenchuri pemadu balat lalu kami ngansak sida ngena jari sida ngambi pulai masa depan sida, ngambika bekal minyak enggau gas galau ari bumi sida ulih diselamatka. Palan pengerembai berita di menua Sarawak jarang bendar didinga betusuika pengawa ti nemu telaga minyak ti baru nya, sekali ke ba darat

The Plot To Dump Taib! MAJOR EXCLUSIVE

Sarawak Report has received an explosive dossier from sources close to Taib, detailing a powerful conspiracy to depose the Chief Minister at the next PBB Party Convention, due in May. The high-level defectors will maintain a pretence of unity during the coming federal election, expected in March, but have collected enough supporters to supplant Taib

Save Sarawak’s Petro-Billions – URGENT ALERT

The people of Sarawak face a theft of the utmost gravity and we urge them to take their future in their hands to save their oil and gas. It has been barely mentioned in the local media that huge new reserves of both oil and gas are being discovered on land and within Sarawak’s waters,

Media Wars!

The Chief Minister has lost his cool and demanded the federal government adopt illegal means to jam the independent radio station, Radio Free Sarawak. At the same time, his political client, the leader of PRS James Masing, appeared even more heat up as he called for the military to be brought in to shut the

Taib Family Logging Company Kicked Out Of Liberia!

Taib’s cousin, the logging tycoon and key political figure Hamed Sepawi, has been booted out of the African country Liberia by a Presidential decree to halt corrupt and illegal logging. It makes for another blow to the Sarawak potentate’s international reputation, following condemnation this week in the Swiss Parliament. Sepawi’s company Perkapalan Damai Timar (PDT)

Solidarity In London – Please Return to Help Monitor Fair Elections

Inspired by news that half a million people had successfully made their point earlier in the day in the Merdeka Stadium and all over KL, a solid troupe of Malaysian nationals braved the cold snap to march from Trafalgar Square to Downing Street and then the Westminster Parliament today. They waved banners and flags, chanted

Badu Agi Bedagang Enggau Taib!

Penerang ti majak betambah pasal ikas penyalah makai suap Malaysia ti majak niki di mata dunya udah nambahka jaku tanya bala orang ke kompeni-kompeni entarabansa ti deka beentaruhka pemanah nama sida masuk pengawa dagang enggau Abdul Taib Mahmud. Ambi ke banding, pengari DAP udah sekali agi narit timpai mensia mayuh ngagai Lupak ti bisi dalam

Stop Doing Business With Taib!

The mounting evidence about Malaysia’s world-beating levels of corruption has raised growing questions for those international companies which are risking their reputations by engaging with characters like Abdul Taib Mahmud. For example, DAP have once again drawn attention to the gaping Black Hole in Sarawak’s recently published public accounts. It represents RM11billion of public funds which have

Najib Mujur Bebula Sekeda Pekara Tang Ukai Pekara Bukai!

Menteri Besai Malaysia, Najib Tun Razak sehari tu udah bebula berita ti dipansutka kami ti madahka iya kena serang penyakit strok ti enda raya. Enggau chara bebuti iya madahka repot berita kami udu ngerichau lalu minta rakyat Malaysia enda agi macha lalu arapka sebarang berita ti dikerembaika sebarang penyadung berita ti enda belisin tauka nadai

Najib Denies Some Things But Not Others!

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, chose to make an interesting denial earlier today, in response to our report about the rumours which have been circulating, that he suffered a minor stroke. He was pleased to say that the reports are wrong and urged Malaysians not to read anything that has not been licensed and

Najib Diserang Penyakit Strok?

Bisi didinga disebut-sebut orang dalam parti Menteri Besai menua Malaysia udah diserang penyakit strok ti enda balat ba ujung minggu tu tadi. Enggau pemayuh bengkah skandal ti ngelingi iya, engka amat tekan ba pendiau iya udah betambah lalu diasaika iya? Datai ke sehari tu Najib Razak lalu bedau didinga nimbal sekeda jaku tuduh orang ngagai

Najib Stroke?

Word is seeping out that the Prime Minister of Malaysia suffered a ‘minor stroke’ over the weekend. Given the scandals building around him, perhaps the pressure has started to tell? So far, Najib Razak has provided no substantial answers to the deadly accusations over the past couple of weeks, further linking him to the cover-up

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