Jho Low’s Price For Selling Malaysia Out To China Via The East Coast Rail Project

The internal documents acquired by Sarawak Report detail how Najib and Jho Low plan to steal further hundreds of millions of dollars from the Malaysian public to bail out 1MDB and buy out their own companies….

The Newcomer’s Handy Guide To 1MDB – 2017!

The logic is that if Najib can manage to again buy the next election he will at last be able to put behind him the scandal that after two years has refused to go away, ignore the foreign critics and be safe from justice at last. Will he succeed?……

Super-Yacht Summit?

An arrest warrant for Najib’s fixer Jho Low seems imminent, so why has he been moored up next to one of Abu Dhabi’s key billionaire businessmen for a fortnight during the key negotiations over 1MDB/Aabar?……

IT Executive ? – Justo’s Real Role At 1MDB

The lies and belittling of Justo, participated in by Malaysian official news agencies, are just part of PetroSaudi’s now fully exposed sham attempts to continue to portry themselves as an honest company, innocently caught up in 1MDB…..

Whom Did The PM Pay?

For example – on 10th February 2015, to whom did the Prime Minister give the sum of RM10 (which divides neatly by five) ……?

UMNO’s Rotten Rafters

“We were only looking into corruption, not where the money came from. We can’t make assumptions about 1MDB, because of things in the US and Switzerland… They may be looking at the money trail, we only look at the question of corruption”.The Alison in Wonderland World of Najib’s Putrajaya……

Damned Dangerous – Why Sarawak Should Not Build More Mega-dams

The State Government has ignored Sarawak Report’s shocking exposes of dangerous construction practices at Bakun; potentially catastrophic turbine flaws at Murum; warnings of ‘catastrophic cascading failure’ at both Bakun and Murum, as well as scandalous human rights violations at both dams. Instead they have launched plans for a third ‘white elephant’ at Baleh….

Tarek Obaid Questioned In Saudi EXCLUSIVE

‘Access Capitalism – PetroSaudi was guaranteeing ‘unique’ ability to ‘leverage royal and political connections’ to access government contracts in infrastructure and other areas in the Kingdom [of Saudi Arabia]”…..

Not So ‘Untouchable’!

As Europe’s top bankers axe their family boss, Malaysian Official Number One will be hoping he, by contrast, can remain ‘untouchable’ …..

MH370 – Yet Another Najib Cover-up!

Australia’s flagship 60 Minutes programme finds new evidence that the Najib government has lied in a cover-up – this time at the expense of the air disaster victims and hundreds of millions spent by countries like Australia to help search for the missing plane…….

Held Hostage By Najib And PetroSaudi! THE JUSTOS SPEAK OUT – MAJOR EXCLUSIVE!

Justo was blackmailed into a forced confession without a lawyer present; the confession was taken by a British employee of PetroSaudi in the absence of any Thai officials or police; the PetroSaudi Director Patrick Mahony, the man behind all the accusations against Justo, gained exclusive access and supervision over him in jail; Mahony said the situation was being ultimately “controlled” by Najib; the lawyers and PR team, supposed to be representing Justo were, hired and controlled by PetroSaudi…

Lies, Damned Lies And RPK!

Before RPK challenges the former DPM of Malaysia to waste time on suing a penniless refugee, known to be truth-challenged, he should first provide details of the alleged new Editor of his site, the intriguing ‘Julian Khoo’……

No Comment Najib?

1MDB’s cash was sent directly by Goldman Sachs to BSI Bank in Singapore, which in turn funded a Bangkok-based investment outfit, which then passed US$210 million to the BVI registered Tanore Finance Corporation, the company which then famously sent US$681 million into Najib Razak’s personal AmBank account in KL….

Najib Moves From Cover Up To Shut Up!

With the 1MDB scam now fully revealed, Najib is no longer attempting to ‘cover up’ the crime. He has moved to threatening all who speak out about it instead, under the excuse of ‘official secrets’….

More Questions Over Goldman’s Former Asia Boss

As further discrepancies emerge in Goldman’s ex-South East Asia boss’s own CV, it is perhaps not surprising that the 1MDB bond offerings masterminded by Leissner were also blatantly misleading on the subject of the fund’s “strong risk management”….

As Malaysia Stands On An Economic Brink, Who To Believe?

Sarawak Report now has exclusive confirmation that the entire money trail has now been identified, leading from 1MDB’s two ‘joint venture partnerships’ back to Najib’s KL bank accounts, his step-son’s US investments and various international bank accounts….

The Swiss AG’s Latest Statement Decoded

“Embezzlement”, “fraud”, “criminal mismanagement”, “misconduct in public office”, “forgery of a document”, “bribery of foreign public officials” and “money laundering” are the crimes today cited by the Swiss Attorney General’s Office as it announced an “extension of its criminal proceedings” relating to 1MDB…

Crisis In Abu Dhabi?

In the course of the past week Khadem Al Qubaisi has been removed as Chairman of the First Energy bank, in which his company Tasameem was a major shareholder. Likewise, his business side-kick Mohamed Al Husseiny has also vanished off the board…..

Yak Won’t Take The Rap

The world learnt about the sort of salary that your friendly Singapore bank manager can hope to earn, when Mr Yak Yew Chee deposited his court papers yesterday…

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